Chapter Sixteen - The Sleigh Ride Home

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Gabriel brought his reindeer pack back to their enclosure and made for the sleigh and the wagons. As he had hoped, Friar Alfred had managed to get the children there and they were sitting in the front wagon laughing and joking with each other. Friar Alfred was standing by the sleigh expectantly. A relieved smile crossed his face as he watched Gabriel trot back in with the deer at his side. He had watched the man ride off – literally ride off! Who rode off on a reindeer, he thought to himself? If he was honest, he had not expected to see the big man return and had been trying to figure out how he would get the young ones out on his own. But unable to come up with a solution, he had waited patiently and trusted in Gabriel and his plan. The big man pulled up and Friar Alfred's smile fell off his face as he noticed the patches of fresh blood staining his overcoat. Gabriel pulled the coat tighter across his chest, not willing to admit any injury he had suffered. The bolts that had struck him had in truth hurt. But he was not about to start complaining – the children had yet to be evacuated from this wicked place. Instead he turned to his reindeer companions and checked them over.

Many carried injuries. Mostly spears that had sliced in but had failed to penetrate too deeply. The deer were tending to themselves though, licking at any wounds they could find on each other, and by and large they were walking well and their eyes were still bright. Gabriel smiled – he had formed a tight bond with the animals, and though it would have been a worthy sacrifice, he did not want to see a single one of them perish at the hands of Lord Westcliff or his evil soldiers. He looked back to see Friar Alfred standing over him.

"Sounded like quite a ruckus!" the old priest said, his words inviting reply – of course he wanted to know what had happened. Gabriel grinned as he saw the glint in the old man's eye, a glint that betrayed his true feelings – had he managed to get to Lord Westcliff?

"He escaped" Gabriel admitted, "left his men and locked himself in his tower with the sergeant."

Friar Alfred spat on the floor at the nobleman's cowardice. He held no love for the castle garrison, but as a former soldier himself he knew the importance of a leader remaining with his men. Still he was far from surprised to learn that Lord Westcliff had abandoned them. He looked at Gabriel's hands, covered in blood and gore as were the thick chains that were locked to his wrists.

"How did you fare?" he asked. Gabriel shrugged in reply.

"Well, there's none left alive on the field back there" he answered. Friar Alfred's mouth dropped at the news – how could one man have taken on forty and come out victorious?

"I had plenty of help" Gabriel conceded, giving Hector's neck a rough shake. The big stag bellowed triumphantly at the touch, his cry echoed by many of the other deer. Friar Alfred noticed the blood staining their white antlers and nodded. It still mystified him how Gabriel had managed to tame the deer, but he was pleased that he had. The priest heard the children calling out and looked back to them to see them pointing in awe at the reindeer. Gabriel noticed it too and quickly tried to wipe the incriminating blood from his gloves before the children began to ask awkward questions. He had no problem at all murdering any number of men to protect them, but to let the young ones see the visceral reality of such acts was not something he wanted for them.

"Can we see them please Father Mistmass?" Gabriel heard Alice call out. He looked to see her step out of the wagon and stand next to him. He could not refuse her sweet face and despite the urgency of their situation he smiled and waved the children over. They all joyfully hopped down from the wagon and ran to stand by Gabriel.

"Quickly now children" he said, "let me introduce you to my friends. This is Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donner and Blitzen, and finally Rudolph and Hector."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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