Chapter Two: Untitled

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It took Solomon almost three days to fully learn from the videos. I know he has learned them but he had not reached perfection as I had done. I wish he was more focused but I couldn't blame him.I understood his anticipation in seeing what the world had to offer without worrying if an agent was tracking his every move. Feeling as though he was controlling a fraction of his life after being caged and hidden for so long was more than liberating.
   After his training he approached me with a smirk and a bounce in his step. "I am ready to go shopping and I really want to see what a night club is like," he said with a full on smile and gleaming eyes. "A night club?" I questioned. He quickly nodded his head like a two-year old and I rolled my eyes as if I wasn't curious myself. "Oh, c'mon! You've been on the run just as long as I have. I know you are just as curious to things as I am. I mean, we're kids right? So why not enjoy what kids do." I understood his reasoning but I was slow with my reply. "Look", he huffed. "I'm not asking you for permission, I'm just preparing you. You could come along or you can hear about it when I get back," he finished as I watched him slide his sunglasses on to his face. He was right. He didn't need my permission and I never said that I didn't want to go. I swiftly grabbed my sunglasses and slid them on. I made sure to grab my money card so I could enjoy this small shopping spree. "Well then. Let's get this party started," I voiced out seconds before Nigel entered the room. "Ah..I see you all are going somewhere eh. You know my heart is weak. Please be careful my children," he finished while giving us a great hug. I kissed Nigel on the cheek before replying, "No problem Pop." Solomon giggled and touched Nigel on the chin, "We'll be cool," he sputtered before we both shot out of the door. We made sure to head out through the tunnel and take the secret stairs that lead directly to the secret door that opened up directly out of the bridge. "I don't care how many times we come out of this wall, I am still amazed," Solomon said while he put on his hat and adjusted it. "Trust me kiddo, you're not the only one," I replied back. I took a quick look around and placed my hat on to my head. "So! Where to first," I said like a squealing girl. Solomon laughed and followed up with an answer. "I'm really hungry. But I know if I eat now, I will not enjoy the days activities. So instead, I would like to go shopping first." I raised my eyebrow and replied with, "Sounds like a plan," before we went along our way.
      We walked into town instead of driving or calling a cab. Eventhough Solomon complained the entire way he understood we could not afford to be recognized. I felt comfortable returning back to the same shop the nice old lady helped me get my things together. I knew better than to stop and speak to her. If the agents found Nuss based on the affection I shown on video, than I am certain they will do the same to her. I kept my distance and maneuvered Solomon over to the Men's section of the store. He refused assistance from the men's concierge and focused more on the clothes and shoes he enjoyed. He didn't take as nearly as much time as I did when I came here. He stopped in the undergarments department and purchased socks and underwear before heading over to the cashier. The light and sense of freedom was a wonderful thing to witness. He has added weight since his escape from Russia too. Not enough weight to notice but just enough to add the color back into his face. "Your total comes to three thousand and six dollars sir," said the cashier. I saw Solomon's eyebrows reach to his hairline just before he started coughing. "This doesn't even look like three thousand dollars worth of stuff," Solomon whispered over to me. I giggled as I saw the cashier squint his eyes as if he took the statement personally. "Relax. You have a pretty long way before an amount of any kind will affect you," I whispered back. Solomon curled his upper lip and rolled his eyes. "You may be right. But going from barely living to living extravagantly is going to take some time to get use to," "he said as he forked over his finance card to pay for his items. The cashier accepted his finance card and continued on with cashing out Solomon's items. Solomon grabbed his bags and we left the store. Even though we appeared to be enjoying ourselves I still stayed cautious to my surroundings. I know there are a lot of problems we still haven't conquered yet, but I wanted to appear as calm to Solomon as possible. "Ok, what's next?" I questioned him. "Well, before I melt away let's grab something to eat & then head back to Nigel to prepare for the night." I nodded my head before replying, "As you wish."

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