"Why did you allow yourself to take the fall?" She asks softly, her hand ghosting over mine. "I don't understand." 

   "Writing my way out wouldn't have helped me this time around Eliza. There were too many secrets and lies for there to be any sensible truth that would have cleared my name." I gently take her hand. "I am simply glad that you now know the truth." 

   "You loved him." 

   "I did." 

   "You loved me." 

   "Yes." I breathe softly. 

   "Do you still?"


   "He doesn't." I jump at the sound of Thomas's voice and am stunned to see him in the doorway leaning against Burr heavily. Burr gives him a dirty look as he shuffles him even further into the kitchen. "He loves me. Tell her." 

   "Thomas, you're drunk, stop talking." Burr hisses at him. He sends me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Alexander, he showed up at my house already drunk. I didn't know where else to take him but home." I drop Eliza's hand and walk over to Thomas who is looking at me through glazed over eyes.

   "Thank you for bringing him back Burr." I say a little louder than necessary making Thomas wince in pain. "He's right where he needs to be." 

   "Ass..." He mutters. 

   "I apologize for interrupting." Burr gives a faint bow to Eliza before quickly taking his leave, Eliza's eyes follow him out the door.

   "I suppose that I should take my leave for now." Eliza says softly. "I'll take Philip home for the night." I turn to look at her but her eyes are distant as she goes to rouse our son. 

   "What is the meaning of going and getting shit faced?!" I hiss quietly. "What does that solve you fucking imbecile?"

   "Keep talking like that and I might kiss you." He whispers back.

   "Pop?" Philip sleepily calls out for me. I glare daggers at Thomas who simply grins at me. 

   "Don't move." I tread quickly over to my son. "I'm here Philip." 

   "Do I have to go?"

   "I think it best for the night if you go home." Philip looks slightly betrayed by my words, but I pull him close and plant a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "Don't worry, this won't be like last time." Philip gives me a groggy smile as he holds onto his mother's hand. I look at Eliza apologetically, but she simply smiles in response. "You and I will talk soon." She merely nods and takes our son out into the night and to her car. As soon as the door is closed I spin around to face Jefferson who is leaning against the kitchen counter drunkenly. "I should kill you right here right now." 

   "Ooooh, scary." he mumbles. 

   "What the hell is wrong with you?" I storm over to him. "Getting drunk doesn't solve anything! Now you and I can't even have an intelligent conversation. You think that this is fair Jefferson?! The fact that you just get to leave and get plastered while I am here worrying about when you're going to come back and how I am going to possibly explain all of this to you?! How is any of this fair?" He stares at me for a moment before grabbing my hand and placing it over his heart. "Now what are you doing?"

   "Is it still beating?" he mumbles.

   "What?" I ask softly, my eyes drifting down to my hand. 

   "It hurts so much...is it still working?" he whines, his head drooping slightly. 

   "Yes Thomas, it's still working." I reply softly.

   "I'm so tired." He huffs as he pulls away, heading for the stairs. I stand there for a moment a bit dazed before following after him. He looks back at me as he walks up the stairs. "I don't need a babysitter." I don't say anything as I simply follow behind him and make sure that he makes it back to his bed. He falls face first into the bed and I hear a muffled groan escape him. I watch him for a moment before deciding that I shouldn't linger here any longer than necessary. 

   "Well, if you need anything, you'll know where to find me." 

   "Stay." He mumbles into the mattress.

   "What was that?"

   "Stay." He repeats, turning his head to the side so his voice could escape. "Sleep here...with me." His words become slower as he begins to fall asleep. I sigh softly as I slide off my shoes and my socks and lie on top of the comforter beside him. He breathes deeply and lays his arm across my stomach, holding me in a strange way. I look over at him and find him to already be fast asleep, his face relaxed and peaceful. 

   "I guess, we'll talk in the morning." 


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