Chapter 13

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Liam's POV

I ran into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and comb my hair because I did not want Niall to see me all messy. I know that I seem like I am some sort of drama queen, but believe me, I'm not. It's just I feel so insecure sometimes and being around Niall I feel like I need to look my best in front of him. After I was done with all my hygiene necessities, I ran to my closet to change. I decided on a Ramones T-shirt and jeans. I wanted this little date to be the best ever. 

Niall rang the doorbell and I rushed downstairs and swung the front door open. "Niall!" I yelled and embraced the Irish boy. "Hey Liam," he said like he couldn't breath, so I let go. 'Sorry," I frowned. "Don't worry Liam it's fine, I know you missed me, I missed you too." I just smiled at him. "Come in Niall," I invited him in. "Liam...I have been thinking a lot about us," (uh oh) "I like you so much, but Jordan's death has taken a toll on you and I don't see you very much. I wanted to take a break so you are able to cope and not have to worry about satisfying me," he said. "But Niall, if you leave me how am I supposed to get any better! I need you right now how could you even say that to me!" "Liam it's just.." "It's just what Niall? I am not paying any attention to you so you are breaking up with me? Look I'm sorry we haven't been hanging out, but the fact that I wanted to hang out shows that I am at least trying to keep us alive since I haven't been a very goof boyfriend, but clearly that means nothing to you!" "No Liam, I'm sorry, i should not have said that." I was in tears and just staring at him. This was suppose to be a peaceful date and he turned into this. I had mixed emotions and I couldn't think properly. "Niall,," i said pointing to my door. "Li....I...nvm," he said then walked out the door and never looked back at me.

Niall's POV

It has been 4 weeks since me and Liam fought and we haven't talked since. I reallly screwed up, but you know I didn't want to be the one holding Liam down because I knew he wasn't over Jordan's death. I should have thought about the fact that maybe Liam wanted me to be there for him because this is darkest moment. I had to figure out how to make this right, but how?

I was walking with my soccer teammates, I don't normally do that, but since Liam wasn't talking to me and was the only person I hung out with, I really had no choice. We past Liam's locker and was sitting there reading a book, he didn't even bother to look up when I walked by which made me cry a bit in my mind. Liam really hated me and I had no idea what to do to make him stop because I needed him. I had gotten scholarships for soccer from 3 different colleges and they both had the major I wanted, sociology. If Liam was still talking to me then I would ask for help,but we weren't talking so it made my desicion so much harder.

I have tried to text Liam and when I have the message ready to send I decide against it because I know he won't answer me. I hopped in the shower to cool my nerves. When I got out I put my headphones in and listened to my music and fell asleep.

Liam's POV

I looked at my old messages to Niall and it looked like he was about to send a message, but he didn't. Niall proably figured I wouldn't answer, but I totally would have, I miss him more than anything. after the first 2 weeks of not talking Niall I stopped eating, but I drank water and liquids, but nothing that involved chewing. I wanted to be alone, but at the same time I wanted Niall in my arms because he was the only one that understood me. I got no sleep because all I couls think about was Niall and how hard he was taking this. Maybe he was thinking about me, about us, about anything that involved me. If everything made him think of me because that what was happening to me. I saw and heard Niall everywhere I went. That day in school when Niall thought I was reading I wasn't I was looking old pictures of us....

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