"Love everyone here is worried about you because we love you and care so much about you.You are one of us now. Even Simon is worried and is outside with your family please come back again we really want you to be wild again"Zayn said

"I may be the youngest of everyone here but behind the childish I have a mature one.Without knowing you help me be strong way before I got to know you.When I saw you on Xfactor I really admired you and you helped me to not give up but you need to come back to us.I need my buddy who loves to play with me video games and to do karaoke together." Harry said smiling

Then it was Louis turn to talk and he was very scared especially when the others went out

"I really don't know what to say.Because of me you are here and I can't take it.I have to admit that these past few months we got to know you,I have been feeling different a good different.Something that I never felt before and that because you came in my life.Chalciope although you don't see it you are special.You have that something that bring people close to you with how you act and your attitude.And that what happened to me.I got attached to you and I can't get you out of my mind or especially my heart.But it's useless because you clearly don't feel the same.I hope you wake up soon because your family needs you"Louis said but as he was going to leave he felt someone pulling him as he turned around he saw Chalciope with her eyes open

"Louis"She said through the mask

But Louis panicked and ran to the reception and to the nurse and 3 nurses ran to her room

"Louis what happened"David told

"Chalciope woke up"He said

"What"Everyone said

Just than then doctor came out with a smile

"Mr.McCall your daughter woke up"The doctor said

"Can I go see her"David said with tears in his eyes

"Just a moment they are checking her as they come out you all can go in"The doctor said and as he left David hugged the boys

"I knew you could do it"David told them

"I think Louis woke her up not us"Niall said and everyone looked at Louis

"I just did nothing like you didn't do"Louis said

"But she woke up as you talked to her"Simon said

"Yeah she woke up.....we can go inside near her...... Ok I meet you here"David said

Then the nurses came out and they told them that they can go in

"Baby"David yelled as he ran to her and hugged her with him

Chalciope POV

"Dad"I said through her mask weakly smiles

"You have no idea how worried I was I thought that I lost you"Dad said with tears in his eyes

"You are never going to loose me"I said and Dad hugged me again

"Why did you do that"Dad asked and I looked at Louis and he looked down

"We go out so you can talk"Simon said taking out the boys with him and Dad set near me

"I am scared"I said

"Why"Dad asked

"Once I was in love with a guy but he ended up dying"I said with tears in my eyes

"You mean Zac"Dad asked and I nodded"I thought you were best friends"

"Yeah but a week before he died he asked me out but them he died"I said and dad hugged her

"What does this have to do with what happened"Dad asked

"Don't tell me you don't know what everyone planed with Louis"I said

"Yeah I know and Louis didn't want to do it we persuaded him to do it because he was a bit scared"Dad said"Chalciope Louis truly like you and I am saying this because I know him now and I wouldn't say it if I wasn't sure"

"I don't know Niall lied to me and so did Louis.Niall said that we are going all out for dinner then I went their and Louis told me that the other were busy so I made one plus one"I said

Then Theseus and nana bursted in

"Chalciope"Theseus and nana said and they came hugging me

"Oh my I was so worried about you"Nana said

"I am sorry happy"I said

"No we are sorry.I should know of all people what could happen but I was so happy that what could happen didn't matter"Theseus said and I sight

"We all want you to be happy"Nana said and then Chalciope hugged them

"What can I do.I am so so scared"I said crying while hugging them 

"First we have to know this.Do you like Louis"Theseus said and I didn't answer

"That means yes or no"Theseus said

"I do"I mumbled

"Chalciope"Dad said and I removed her mask

"I do ok"I said and then I put the mask back on"You know that I always adored him and as I got to know him I  started liking him more"

"Then why are you so afraid off Cally"Theseus said

"Everyone that I love always leave me what makes you think that Louis is different"I said

"Because mum and Zac died that doesn't mean that everyone is leaving you.Me and dad and also grandma are here for you and although Cerci and Andromeda are still young they care so much for you."Theseus said

"Even the people outside.Simon cares for you so much.He treats you like his daughter and the boys along with Elena and Dreamer cares too especially Niall"Dad said and I sight

"McCall's it's time to go"The doctor said and they nodded

"We will see you tonight OK my baby cake"Dad said

"I brought you your laptop"Theseus said and I smiled

"Thank you love"I said and I hugged him

"When you want sent me a message on messenger and we talk"Nana said and I giggled"Yeah I know how to use Facebook"and she kissed my forehead

"I will"I said and they left

I turned on the laptop, I put the headphones on and started listening to Justin

Then I fell asleep and slept like a baby

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