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You were frozen. You didn't move. Time stopped. Till you looked up at the doctor and saw a huge smile in his face.

"He's fine. He's gonna be alright. He'll be pretty tired for awhile but he can go home this weekend but he will have to be in bed rest"

You could finally breathe. You gave the doctor a hug and then went to Daniels room.

"Hey beautiful" Daniel said smiling at you
"You gave me a fucking heart attack" you said sitting down next to him.
Daniel laughed at smiled at you.
"We're having a girl?"
"Yep" you said kissing him

~few days later~

Daniel was home and on bed rest. You visit him everyday and stay the night sometimes.  You guys talk about what to do when the baby comes.

"Babe listen to me!" Daniel said to you while you getting packing up your stuff but you were getting upset.
"Daniel we're in high school we can't afford to buy a house or apartment!"
"We can ask our parents! We can use some of our own money too" Daniel said starting to get up.
"Sit your ass down!" You said walking over to Daniel
"Please y/n" He said grabbing your hand "let's move in together"

You looked at Daniel. How could you say no to those beautiful blue eyes.

"Ugh fine! But you get to talk to my parents"
"Deal" Daniel said kissing you.

~few months later~

"Put that down! You shouldn't be lifting stuff" Daniel yelled at you from upstairs.
"It's a box of pillows take a chill pill" you said laughing "you shouldn't be lifting anything either"

You were now 8 months pregnant. You and Daniel found a beautiful 3 bedroom house right down the street from your parents. Everyone was over helping you move including your guys families and friends.

You were in the kitchen putting stuff away when you got a sharp pain in your stomach. You froze and held your stomach. Christina froze and looked at you.

"Are you okay?" Christina said walking over to you.
"Uh i don't know" you said sitting down.

You're mom then walked into the kitchen. You then got another sharp pain in your stomach. You stood up.

"Mom what's happening?"
You're mom looked at you and smiled.
"Honey you're in labor!"
"OH MY GOD" Christina squealed.

Daniel then walked into the kitchen.
"Hey what's happening"
"Y/NS IN LABOR!!" Christina yelled with a smile.

Daniel froze with wide eyes. Everyone then ran into the kitchen looking  at you with wide eyes.

"DANIEL GET THE KEYS!" You, you're mom, and Christina all yelled at Daniel.

Daniel frantically ran around the house looking for the keys. You walked over to the counter and held up the keys. Daniel then ran into the kitchen and laughed at you.

"Oh ok let's go" Daniel helped you down the stairs and yelled back up to the others "you guys finish unpacking the truck and then come to the hospital"

You guys then drive to the hospital.

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