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You dropped to the floor crying. Christina quickly got up and bent down and hugged you crying.
You were texting and calling daniel but he wasn't answering.

Y: Kelly daniels not answering!
K: it'll be okay i'm sure he's fine. Ill text you after lockdown and find out about daniel. I love you.
Y: i love you too

After a half an hour sitting on the floor crying, you stood up and hurried to get dressed.

"Where are you going?" Christina said wiping her eyes.
"To the school, you coming?" you said grabbing your keys

Christina and Corbyn looked at each other and got up and followed you to your car. As you were driving you kept getting texts from your parents asking what's going on. They were out of town again. Christina took your phone and texted them about what's going on. They said they were on the next flight out.

As you were pulling up to the school there was cop cars and ambulances every where, which made you worry more. When christina saw she grabbed you hand. There were parents every where crying. You looked around for Daniel's parents but you didn't see them. You texted Keri and she said was out of town with your mom and thats shes with her right now.

You guys got out of your car and ran to all the other parents and people were standing. When you saw that they were bringing kids out you started to breath a little. The senior wing was on the other side of the school so you knew you had to wait awhile for Daniel.

When you saw Kelly you ran to her quickly. You hugged her tight and didn't let go. You pulled away to look at her face.

"Daniel?" you asked shaky
"I don't know, they wouldn't tell me"
"Ok at least your ok" you said walking back to christina.

A little later you saw Anna run out and ran to Kelly and they hugged each other.

When they were walking out the juniors you saw people running in with gurneys and first aid stuff. You got scared again. There were about 10 gurneys going in. The first 2 were teachers. Then a few came out with a students, all seniors. Seniors started to run out the doors as well. You stood there shaking not know what to do. You were looking for Daniel but you couldn't find him. Until another gurney came out...

Don't Leave Me NowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz