Chapter 47

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Emilio's POV

Once Aria told me to go outside, I decided to go for a quick walk to blow off steam.

I walked around the block and by the time I was back at the house I had calmed down.

I walked into the office and saw Chance.

Emilio:Hey dude, where's Aria?
Chance:In the garden talking to AJ
Emilio:Okay thanks bro

I walked into the garden and saw something I wish I hadn't, Aria and AJ kissing.


Aria's POV

AJ finally let go of me when he heard Emilio.

Emilio:Aria. How could you do this to me?
Aria:Emilio you've got it wrong
Emilio:Oh yeah
Aria:Yeah, AJ kissed me, I was trying to get him off
Emilio:That's not what it looks like from here
Aria:It's the truth
Emilio:Then how come I don't believe you?
Aria:Emilio. It's the truth
Emilio:Just stay away from me

I watched as Emilio walked away, I then turned around and looked at AJ.

Aria:How could you do this? It's all your fault

AJ just looked at me and I walked up to my room.

As I walked through the house, everyone was looking at me. It was obvious that Emilio had told them what happened. But they don't know my side of the story.

I walked upstairs and got to my room. I sat on my bed and started to cry.

It was obvious that no one would believe me.

I got up off my bed and put on some joggers and a crop top. I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I heard a knock at my bedroom door and I went to do see who it was. Once I opened the door, I saw Jake stood outside my room.

Jake:Can I come in?

I stood out of the way so he was able to come in. I watched as he sat down on a chair, I sighed and sat on my bed.

Jake:I heard what happened

I just stayed silent and looked at my hands.

Jake:I can tell you've been crying

I looked up at him.

Aria:I think it might be best if I move out for a few days
Aria:Cause Emilio doesn't believe me and I think that if we have some space it'll help
Jake:Well where will you go?
Aria:I'm sure Summer or Sean will let me stay with them for a while
Jake:Are you sure about this
Aria:No, but I can't stand to see him like this
Jake:Well this will always be your home and this will always be your room
Aria:I know
Jake:Until we move house and then you'll have a different room
Aria:Thanks Jake

I hugged him and started to pack some clothes while Jake left my room and went downstairs. I got my phone and messaged Sean.

To Sean - Hey, would I be able to stay at yours for a couple days

From Sean - Yeah, but why?

To Sean - Thanks, Emilio and I got into a fight and I've told Jake I need to stay away for a while

From Sean - Oh okay, I'll send you my address and just come when you're ready

To Sean - Okay

I packed my makeup and a few pairs of shoes when I got a message saying where Sean lived.

I put on my grey vans and a jacket. I grabbed my Suitcase and guitar, I looked at my room one last time.

I walked downstairs and saw everyone there except Emilio or AJ.

Tessa:So it's true
Aria:Yeah, I'm going to Sean's for a few days
Chance:Call us when you get there
Aria:I will

I sighed.

Aria:Looks like Emilio doesn't wanna say bye
Anthony:He'll regret it
Aria:Yeah, anyways I better get going

Tessa and Erika started to cry which made me cry.

Aria:I'll be back in a few days
Erika:Yeah, but you're like a sister to us
Tessa:It's hard to say goodbye even if it's a few days

I hugged both of them and said bye. I then hugged Jake, Chance & Anthony. Ivan walked up to me and hugged me, he whispered in my ear.

Ivan:I'll talk to Emilio, see what went down

Jake then stood next to Ivan.

Jake:And I'll get the truth out of AJ

I smiled and let go of Ivan. I hugged everyone else and said my goodbyes.

It's hard to leave a place you love, even for a few days. I opened the front door and looked up the stairs just in case Emilio came down, but nothing.

I looked at everyone and turned around and walked out the door.


Looks like Aria has left for a few days.

What's next in her journey?

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