"Someone should really tell you how to treat a lady. If I ever see you doing this ever again, I am not afraid to put you back in your place." Your blonde savior glared at the man, who had begun to sprint like hell away from us. The kind man looked at you with worried eyes, "Are you alright, ma'am?" He kneeled down next to you, putting a hand on your arm.

"Thanks to you." You breathlessly laughed, the tears now threatening to spill. His gorgeous blue eyes looked into yours.

"Do you need someone to walk you home?" He asked and you nodded with a slight smile, as you wipe your eyes from the tears that had now started to leak out of your eyes.

Bruce Banner

(F/C) means Fav color, just so ya know.

You were outside of town, in the middle of nowhere. Life had been so hard lately, you just had to... Leave. You drove and drove and drove. No noise. Nothing to see. Just pure thought. That is until you saw a random crater in the middle of the desert. You furrowed your eyes as you pulled over and got out of (F/C) car. you jogged over to the crater, kicking dust up behind you as you did. You stopped at the edge, looking down at the utterly RIDICULOUS sight before you. A naked, unconscious man, at the center of it all. He had curly black hair and was by all means in shape. Your face flushed, because, well... He was naked. Butt naked. You flushed as you slid down the sloped side of the hole. You almost fell on top of him, which would have been EXTREMELY awkward.

"Oof..." You dug your heals in as you stopped to look down at him. He was breathing, at least. You pulled off your hoodie to cover the... Ahem... business down front. His eyes flung open at the feeling of cloth on his..... Bottom half. "You alright, sir?" You crossed your arms as you looked at him. He squinted from the hot desert sun.

"Yeah..." Then... Then, he looked down. Then, at you. Then, down again. And his face exploded into a glowing scarlet color, similar to yours. "U-Uhm... Is-Is-Is this you jack-jacket?"

"Yeah, but go ahead and keep it." You scratched the back of your neck and looked away. "You gotta' ride?"

He put his hand up to his ear and nodded,

"He's on his way."

"Um well... That's good..... Uhm... Mind if I stick with you until they come, I'd feel bad just leaving ya out here all... Yeah..." Your words were just. Not. Working. He nodded sheepishly.

A couple of minutes later, a red and gold Ironman suit, that you'd recognize anywhere, landed next to him and picked him up by his shoulders. You didn't even get to say goodbye.

Thor Odinson

You were in the supermarket at 1:00 AM. Why? Period cravings. That's why. You shoveled chocolate into your cart as you held back tears. The bags under your eyes were clear as you shook your head at your own miserable life. Suddenly, from an aisle over, you heard a voice,

"METAL MAN, WHERE ARE THE POPTARTS!!!!!" You almost lost it right there. You fell to your knees, silently laughing and gasping for air. You stood up and walked around the aisle. A tall, blonde man stood in the sweets aisle. He seemed rather confused and he had managed to make you laugh while you were miserable, so you thought you should return the favor. You walked back to your own cart and pulled out two boxes of strawberry pop tarts and threw them over the shelf. "METAL MAN THEY ARE RAINING FROM THE SKY!!!!! THE GODS HAVE HEARD MY CALL!!!!"


(I know it's short, I don't have much inspo for him, but I think it's funny, SO I'LL KEEP IT!!!"

Clint Barton

(Y/L/N) Is your last name.

A bullet whizzed past your head as you sat crouched during the HYDRA heist. They had found out that your work office had important information on SHIELD, so of course, they just HAD to get in on it. It was absolutely terrifying, but honestly, you were just too tired to care at this point. Your job as a secretary sucked, you were planning on quitting today, anyway.

You looked at the arrow that had hit one of the HYDRA agents behind you. The agent collapsed to the ground in a heap of racist, Jew-hating, crap. AKA, he died. You quickly snatched the gun from his limp hands. You held it to your chest. You took a deep breath and cocked it. The girl next to me and looked at me with a curious, afraid expression,

"They're literally a Nazi organization, I will have no problems shooting them down." You explained to her. I jumped up and started to pick off the wicked agents one by one. You were one hell of a shot. You had never picked up the weapon in your life, but you were DESTROYING. You didn't see the Hydra agent coming up behind you with a knife. You turned around just in time to see him lifting his hand to bring down the sharp blade on you.

Suddenly, an arrow hit his hand and pinned it to the nearby wall, forcing him to drop the knife.

Suddenly, THE Hawkeye dropped down from the rafters overhead and aimed his bow at the man's temple, letting his fingers send the projectile right through his head. You dropped your gun, looking around; No more HYDRA Agents were in sight. You looked over to Hawkeye, who had pulled off his sunglasses to look at you.

"You're pretty good with that gun." He motioned to the weapon you held in your hands. You shrugged,

"While my mom was a mafia boss, I saw enough shootouts to figure out the strategy. I'm pretty good at mimicking things."

"Huh." He put his glasses back on as all of the workers flurried out the doors and out of the building. "I oughta' tell Fury about you. He might find you kinda interesting. What's your name?"

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

Pietro Maximoff

You were running through the woods. In the middle of Winter. In a tank top and shorts. SO LIFE WAS GREAT.

You'd been running your whole life. Recently, you tried out for the Olympics, but just barely got beat by someone else. So, your adoptive parents (You'll see why I did this later)  decided that you had to train. HARD. Everyday. You were exhausted. Depressed. Anxious. Your life felt like it had no purpose anymore. You were just constantly running. Why did your (Adoptive) parents have control after you, since you were a legal adult? Simple. They made threats. Lot's of them. They scared you terribly.

You fell to your knees in the cold snow, hacking up your lungs. The cold air was painful as it flooded down your throat. You couldn't feel your fingers or your toes. You were seeing stars.

"Excuse me, Myshka, you seem to have been running too much. You aren't enhanced like me." You here a thing Eastern European accent from above you. You looked up to see a muscular man with died white hair with dark roots. He had an eyebrow raised... You had seen him before, in the news. you had just met QuickSilver.

"I don't really have a choice. My parents won't let me hear the end of it if I don't throw up at least once." You looked down.

"That's not good for your health." He frowned and you shrugged.

"They're timing me, so I should get going."

"What's your name, Myshka?" He put a hand on your shoulder. You looked at him curiously, but shrugged,

"(Y/N). Why?"

"Hm. No reason, you just... Reminded me of someone." You shook your head and turned away, begging he wouldn't figure you out.

AAAAAAND DONE WITH MY FIRST PREFERENCE!!!!! WOO!!!!! I'm sorry if some were too long or too short, but this is what I got so far. Next up; You meet again.

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