You Meet Again

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Tony Stark

You were walking through the streets of New York City, When all of a sudden, you were caged in by hordes of people. They made an immovable wall as they shouted and screamed. Most of them were female. There were definitely a few males, too, though. You peered over the crowd (If you're short, you jumped) and saw a man with sunglasses and a nice suit, with several bodyguards around him. You recognized him; It was Tony Stark. He was smiling haughtily as he gazed over all of the swooning girls. He must have met your eyes (You couldn't see his eyes from under his sunglasses.) He nodded to the bodyguards and they started to push towards your direction. Was he trying to talk to you?

"You." He pointed at you, before putting his hands in his pockets. "You're the woman who evacuated that building."

"You're that superhero that flirted with me, while the world was falling apart around him." You fired back. He gave you a quick 'Ha'.

"So, (Y/N)-"

"How do you know my name?"

"I had a friend do research on you. He also gave me your number, mind if I contact you?" He pulled off his sunglasses to look you in the eyes with a smirk. You looked at him for a second, then shrugged,

"Why not?"

Steve Rogers

You were being held hostage with multiple other citizens. The Avengers had to pay a ransom to let the citizens live. Simple, really.

But, you were sick of it. You hated being locked up. You couldn't do anything. So, you decided to find a way out. Once the guards had left for a lunch break, you got to work. You pulled a random hairpin out of your pocket (Thank god you had it). You quickly got to work. Aiming the pin just right, you heard the first click you needed. Three more. Click... Click...Click. You pulled off the now unlocked lock and turned to the other citizens.

"Get help." They all whispered, huddling together. I quickly nodded and crept out of the cage, closing it behind me and locking the lock, hoping the guard wouldn't notice my absence. You crept down the damp, dark halls. Suddenly, a flurry of footsteps was heard running towards you. You froze. There was nowhere to hide. You couldn't run, you had no energy from lack of nutrition.

"Oh god..." You said, loud enough for the people back in the cell to hear. They had to know something went wrong. The footsteps were closer and closer. You heard the click of a gun being locked, when a familiar voice sounded,

"Nat, no, it's a civilian." You opened your eyes to see Captain America and the rest of the Avengers. Captain America sounded an awful lot like the man who had saved you just nights before. "M'am, how did you get out?"

"I picked the lock with my bobby pin. The rest are back there. It's a pretty weak lock."


You and the civilians sat on the Quinjet. The others were all thanking the Avengers and treating them like gods, while you sat silently. The man who saved you was Steve Rogers, Captain America, The Man Out of Time. He must have noticed you're look and he leaned over and whispered,

"You remember me, don't you m'am?"

"Yeah. All I needed was the voice." You turned to him and looked into his big, blue eyes.

"What's your name, ma'am."

"I'll only tell you so you'll stop calling me ma'am'.

"Habit, m-" He caught himself.

"(Y/N). (Y/L/N)"

Bruce Banner

You were walking through New York. You're new home. The countryside was getting far too boring for you, anyway. Suddenly, you fell to the ground after bumping into someone.

"I'm sorry, Mis-... Wait, Miss, aren't you the one who found me in the desert?" You looked up to see a well dressed man, one you had met before. Without all of the dirt on his face, you could now tell it was Dr. Bruce Banner. You had heard about him on the news.

"Hey... Great seeing you again... And fully clothed." You laughed, feeling your face heat up slightly. He chuckled awkwardly. "So, mind telling me why a prestigious scientist was in the middle of a crater in the desert naked?"

He didn't look you in the eyes as he laughed, "It's a long story, but... I'll tell you another time."

"Did it have to do with the Hulk?"

"Yeah, actually... Well, nice seeing you again..." He scrambled off. You blurted out,

"Before you go, can I get your number???! I-I mean-mean..."

His face flushed bright red as he nodded and entered it into your phone, then sprinting in the other direction.

Thor Odinson

"Hey! You're the guy I threw Poptarts at!" You popped up over a broken car at the demigod who was mid-battle with a giant robot. The other civilians stared at you strangely. He landed next to you,

"Thank you, fair maiden." He smiled the goofiest smile at you and you laughed as he used his hammer to direct a laser away from your face.

"No prob. Name's (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

I'm so sorry this is so short, again, but I really have no ideas for him. I'll probably get better around The First Kiss. Sowwy.

Clint Barton

He kept to his word. Fury had contacted you a few days later, after looking through your skills. You were sitting in hs office as he explained.

"Well, Miss. (Y/L/N). It sounds like you could actually be an efficient field agent for SHIELD. So, how about it?"

"Eh. I ain't got anything better to do." You shrugged. You didn't really get why everyone was so intimidated by him. You were signing the paperwork, when Clint walked in.

"Oh. (Y/N). I knew you'd end up working here."

"Good job, Katniss." You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. You heard Fury snicker. Putting your pen down, you had to ask,

"So. You know my name, what's your's?"

"Clint. Barton. Go ahead and call me Agent Barton, though."

"Then, call me Agent (Y/L/N)."

Pietro Maximoff

You were left there, in the middle of the freezing woods. It had only been a few days until you had seen Quicksilver. Your adoptive parents had been getting worse and worse, until the point you decided to run away. It was late at night and freezing cold. You were getting hypothermia and fast. It was still better than living with your parents. Your eyes were starting to get clouded with stars as you heard a familiar accented voice from behind you,

"Myshka," He sighed, "I told you you that you were working yourself to hard."

"Not what happened..." You managed to mumble.

"Then tell me when you wake up. Mr. Banner is a doctor... He should be able to do something..." You fell into darkness as you felt him pick you up and start to run at his incredible speeds.

~~~While You were asleep~~~

"Brother, Pietro, who is this?"

"Mr. Banner is a doctor, is he not? He should be able to help her. She's dying."

"Bring her in. Brother... Does she seem familiar to you?"


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