How you met

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Tony Stark

You were absolutely terrified. Loki was trying to take over the city... again and you were stuck in your building with unearthly beasts crawling in through each crevice. You had spent so much time warning everyone else about them, that you were the only one left inside the building. Your heart was beating so fast it could have just torn through your chest. Tears threatened to spill at the corners of your eyes. You clenched your fists as one of the beasts started to stalk towards you with saliva dripping from the corners of its lips. It leaned back, preparing to lunge. Its feet lifted off the ground as it reached its claws out to sink into you. You left your eyes open, hoping to face your own death with dignity. Just before the monster had reached you, it was thrown into a nearby wall as a brilliantly bright blue beam struck it in the side. The creature's body hit the wall with a bone-cracking THUD. You turned your face to see the source of the light. A man in gold and red armor was floating outside of the office window. He came inside and landed on the grey carpet. He spoke from under the suit,

"You alright, gorgeous?" A smirk dripped from his voice, but it wasn't exactly... Wrong sounding.

Of course, you knew very well that Ironman was Tony Stark, who didn't? Judging just by his words, it was clear that he was the playboy everyone spoke of.

"Fine." You sighed, using your sleeve to wipe the stray tears from your face.

"Why are you still here? It's too dangerous." He walked up to you to look down at you. You put your hands on your hips indignantly,

"For YOUR information, Mr. Stark, I have spent the entire attack evacuating all 1.000 people in this building and I succeeded. My apologies if I put others above myself." You said the last sentence with such sarcasm it made him laugh. The spunk was refreshing after the chaos he had been ending for the last few days.

"Well, let me help you get out of here. We can't have a pretty lady like you getting hurt." He offered.

"Don't patronize me." You shook your head, "But, please, I'm not that fast of a runner." He picked you up bridal style and quickly brought you to the edge of all of the fighting, before blasting off. You couldn't help but think, 'He isn't as bad as I thought he'd be...'

(I am SOOOOOO sorry that this isn't very good. I tried but I didn't have much inspiration for Tony, PLS FORGIVE ME I'LL TRY TO MAKE THE OTHER ONES BETTER)

Steve Rogers

You were just sitting in the park, that's all. Then, some JERK decided to come up with a gun and hold it to your head. Great day, right?

"Come with me quietly and maybe you'll live." You were in a public park, but no one was there since it was just about to rain. You stood up slowly, putting your hands up, struggling to keep a calm, neutral face. He couldn't see he was getting to you, he just couldn't. He could take everything from you, but he could never tear a scared expression from your face. He lead you to a dark alleyway. "Get on your knees." He growled from under his mask. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to hold back all of the emotions. You dropped down to your knees on the dirty alley floor. He cursed yourself for not being able to fight back against him. A low, wicked, throaty laughed puffed from his throat. With one hand still holding the gun, he dropped his hand into my jacket pocket, searching for things to steal. His hand went to my back pocket as he disgustingly grabbed my butt. I jumped when he did, giving him some sort of satisfaction. My anger and his taunting distracted us from the very very VERY angry man at the end of the alleyway. We both failed to notice his footsteps stomping closer and closer towards us. Neither of us could miss it, though, when a fist collided with the mugger's face. He hit the ground with a loud CRACK.

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