Chapter Twenty-Two {Seth's POV} *Edited

Start from the beginning

“So you beat the shit out of Seth and expect what? Surrender?” Sylvie asked tightly. “Well let me tell you something you lunatic, you can go fuck yourself.”

Alek’s back tensed and my wolf’s attention demanded to be there. It didn’t like Alek from the beginning so his wariness of him wasn’t unusual but what was unusual was the way he seemed to be looking for Alek’s weak spots. Places he could be taken down like his Achilles heel, behind the knees, his neck, and his belly were all weak points, especially in wolf form.

“I am Alpha here!” Alek said in a dual voice, telling me his wolf very close to the surface. Too close to be safe for Sylvie.

She snorted. “Your not my Alpha, Dog. You are nothing but a lunatic in a fancy crown made up in your mind! You will kill everyone in this makeshift pack before you admit defeat and I will give you just that…I will destroy you.”

My wolf was full of nothing but pride as he watched our mate through my eyes. She was magnificent, I could admit that but Alek’s response could range from minorly insane to down right psychotic. She was right about one thing for sure and that was that he was indeed insane. He had always been more wolf than man, living off of those instincts more then the rational thoughts of the man on the outside. He wasn’t a man I would have pushed to the edge without being sure I had the advantage.

And that was just what my little mate was doing.


The binding will protect her.

Sure, I thought back to my wolf, but how can we be sure it’ll still hold up.

We will have to trust that our mate knows what she is doing.


I mentally snorted. Even he sounded doubtful with the idea. Now, I had full faith in Sylvie, more than anyone but she was rash and without that filter and the jumbled mind of hers it was hard to say what she would do. The unpredictability of our one and only mate in life our death situations worried both my wolf and I.

I couldn’t and refused to even consider the idea that I would lose her.

It just simply wasn’t fucking happening.

“You idiotic human!” Alek growled before he shifted and ran full force at Sylvie. His large golden wolf was twice the size of her as she put her hands out in front of her and squeezed her eyes shut. Now what happened next I had never seen in my life and doubt I will ever see again.  Bright red light erupted from her held out palms and wrapped around Alek’s wolf like a whip. The red wispy light coiled around him making him whimper before falling to the forest floor struggling against the hardly there bindings.

We all seemed to watch in shock as the spots the lights touch killed his fur until it fell off in clumps and his paws seemed to curl into him. That was when I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye. Sylvie was on the forest floor too gasping for breathe and worn out from using all that energy. I struggled against Zane and Ryan and to my surprise they let me go but I was pretty weak so I just kind of fell on my face. I gripped the earth below me and pulled myself trying to get to Sylvie, just to hold her if it helped. Anything to stop the pain and distress I saw in her eyes.

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