July 29 2017

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July 29 2017

I'll just wear my swimming outfit underneath and wear my sweatpants and a shirt then my abaya on top.....Oh yes I forgot to inteosuce myself I am Miray I am 5'7 and have brown eyes and a hijabi. Currently I am getting ready to go swimming with one of my best friends Fatima, she might've texted. I'll continue the story.....
Me: girl you ready and let's meet at pape station
Fatima: yep im leaving soon
Me: kk
While we were chatting, "guess what my cousin got engaged" I stated excitedly. "Wow that's great, wonder when we will meet our soulmate?" Fatima asked me and wondered.
After swimming a bit more we headed home.
~At home~
"Selamun aleykum" i greeted and my parents and sister all replied "wa aleykum selam"
Mom told me to take a shower and get dressed cause we had a lecture at the mosque today........do I have to go?...
After taking a shower I got dressed. I decided to wear black jeans, my mauve long tunic and my pink shawl as my hijab. And I finished my outfit with my cute 2 inch black heels
~ At the mosque~
Assalamun aleykum we greeted everyone
I went into the seperate prayer room to look after my baby brother when suddenly my mom entered "someone asked for your hand now be on your best behaviour, all right?"
To say I was shocked. I was on my best behaviour the whole time while truing to figure out who the peraon might be and if I can figure out who the mother might be. I was looking after my brother again when I decided to chat with the new ladies that came... I never relized or would've guessed that she would become my mother in law.
On the drive back home my mom told my dad what happened today. After they asked me what I thought, if I would want to meet him, the halaal way of course.... I said okay
I mean what can go wrong with one meet up, right?
Well now we just came home.

Aleykum selam or Assalamun aleykum: arabic greeting which means peace be upon you.
Wa aleykum selam: means peace be upon you too.
Halaal: means permissible or allowed in Islamic law/ traditions

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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