Chapter 1

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"Harry come down! Your gonna miss your first day of school!" my mum hollered up to me as I had just gotten ready.

"I'm coming I'm coming" I said as I walked down into where my mum was in the was my first day of my final year and I couldn't wait. if you didn't get the sarcasm in that then i don't know what to tell you. Don't get me wrong, I loved school. I'm the kind of kid that would much rather have my nose in a book or doing my studies than going out to parties and drinking. I had always been bullied my whole life. It was always because of two reasons. one because I was basically the school nerd and two, I'm gay. Everyone even my mum knew about it. i was openly gay and i could care less. Mostly everyone accepted me and supported me or either just ignored the fact. Except for a few people. Louis Tomlinson for example. It's safe to say that we both are polar opposites. He's the captain of the football team and practcally every girl and some guys wanted him. I would be lieing  if i said that he wasnt attractive. 

"Bye Mum." I said kissing her on the cheek grabing my keys and heading out the door.

"Bye love."


 As i approached the school i couldnt help but notice Louis and his friends standing by the door chatting. I sighed trying my best to avoid them as i entered the school doors. Luckily I had been dismissed from the typical "morning beating" sesion that usually happens but i know that im in for it later, as it had been for the past three years.7 i took my seat in the front of the class waiting for my friends Liam and Daniell to walk in and sit by me. Both Liam and Daniell knew that im gay and the have been dating for about the past two years.

As class started Louis and his two best mates Niall and Zayn walked in. Niall and Zayn took their seats in the back of the room leaving Louis with the only seat left in the room. Next to me.'oh great' i thought to myself. Louis sat down in his seat and i could tell he was smirking at me. We all knew that Louis will never miss a chance to make my life a living hell.

"Alright class. I'm Mrs.Calder. I know that all of you really dont want to be here so if you would just give me your attention for the first half of the hour to explain my plans for the year, I will give you the rest of the hour to yourselves." the young lady started. you have to admit that she was really nice. Mrs.Calder was probally in her late twenties or early thirties. Fresh out of her studies.

"Alright. So incase you were confused, you are in my literature class. As long as we get on  really well, there wont be any troubles." she continued with a smile.

"As we go on through the year with our required studies, I will be assigning a year long project. This project will also be through your art, music, and lifestyle classes. If you are wondering how this all ties in and connects, let me tell you." Mrs.Calder said as she handed out a packet to everyone.

"this packet will instruct you with everything and tell you everything that i will say incase you miss anything or choose not to listen. How this ties in with your art class is that you will either be drawing a portait or, be creating a collage that represents your partner. Now, before you get any ideas about your partners, i already have them picked. I have a list of the partners up here so at the end of class you may come up and see who you are pared with. 'great' i thought.

"Music. Personally, my favorite."

'me too' 

"you will be required to perform a song that you and your partner have either written or already choosen. if you choose to pick an already written song, you will write a short essay on why you have choosen that song and what it means to both of you. that part will tie in with the literature part in which will be turned into me. Lastly, how this project will be tied in with your lifestyle class, is that, all of us teachers have noticed that bullying has became bigger of an issue."

'your telling me'

"so we all hope that through this project you will come to see that everyone isnt so different. you will also be required to write a short essay about what you have opened up to, learned and or expirienced through out the time of this project. Now i know that this all seems like a lot being through all of these classes, but its really not. I truly do hope that you all enjoy this project. Now, if you have any questions, you may come up and ask me, and if not, you may come up and see who your partner is for this year, and have the rest of the time to yourselve until the bell rings." Mrs.Calder finishes as she seats at her desk, allowing everyone to go to the board and see who they're stuck with for the year. When I noticed who was by my name on the list, I nearly passes out.

'what a great year im going to have' i said to myself rolling my eyes in disbeleif.



I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter. its pretty long and kinda sucks. im sorry for any errors or anything. please no hate. thank you all.


The Project~ A Larry Stylinson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now