Chapter Eighteen- Confusion, Confession, Conclusion

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Chapter Eighteen – Confusion, Confession, Conclusion


Shay’s POV

          I can’t believe that I just admitted to Joey of all people that I was starting to have feelings for Cale! I blame it on my mentally unstable state at the time when he picked me up; why else would I have laid out a full blown confession on the table to the guy that was basically responsible or at least instigated my actions at the club? Agh, I really wish that I was back home right now so that I could talk about this with Ali; she would know what to do or at least what to say to make this whole situation make more sense to me. I know that I could talk to Liz about everything and I’m sure that she would have some good advice for me, but she’s in this competition too and it wouldn’t be right for me to lay my problems about my feelings for Cale on the table for her to help me sort out.

          I had to figure out what was going on in my mind on my own, I had to sort out my feelings and decide what I really wanted to do. Half of me wanted to just run back home and forget that this whole thing ever happened, but the other half of me wasn’t ready to leave, it wanted to explore more of these feelings that I was starting to develop for Cale. And after that kiss, that kiss that felt so right when I wanted it to feel wrong; how was I just supposed to forget about that? I wouldn’t be able to forget about that, I could still feel his lips on mine and it had been a good hour since it happened. Although I really haven’t kissed many guys in my life time, none of them stood to any sort of comparison to the kiss I shared with Cale.

          I don’t want to sound corny or anything but it was like a kiss that you read about in book, like the whole world disappears around you in that single little moment it’s just the two of you and everything is rainbows and butterflies. Ok, that’s enough Shay, you just sounded like some love sick teenager! Agh, what the hell is wrong with me? This isn’t me! I always know what to do in every situation, I always have a plan for everything; even if my initial plan doesn’t work out I have a back-up plan, and now what do I have? Nothing! I’m coming up blank and I don’t know what to do. Letting out a frustrated sigh I roll over in bed and grab my phone off the floor and dial the number to the only person who I think will be able to help me through this situation.

“Holla' back youngin', whoo, whoo!” Is the greeting I’m met with when they answer the phone.

“You’re fucked in the head, you know that?” I reply back with a laugh, see two seconds on the phone and I’m already feeling better.

“Now is that any way to greet your bestest friend in the whole wide world?” Ali asked back faking that she was hurt by my words.

“Well when you slaughter my ears with your horrible singing voice immediately when you answer the phone, then yes, it is!” I laughed back into the line.

“Oh god Ali, please, no more singing, I beg you!” I heard a male voice yell in the background; a very familiar male voice, might I add.

“Is that Jordan?” I ask.

“Uh…what? So uh, what are you calling about?” I know that voice, it’s her ‘I’m going to try and avoid the question and change the subject’ voice.

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