Chapter Four - Meet and Greet

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Chapter Four - Meet and Greet



Cale’s POV


          It felt like it took me a lifetime to narrow down my search to only twenty-five girls; I went over the interviews and profiles time and time again trying to find who I thought would be my best matches. There were so many choices and every girl had their own unique qualities that I liked about them; it took me a full week of re-watching the interviews before I was able to narrow it down to fifty and another full week to bring it down to thirty, now I had five more to eliminate and didn’t even know where to start. After countless efforts on my own and not being able to come to a decision I decided to call in some back up; I linked my bothers to come to my room and it was only a few minutes later when they both arrived.

“What’s up bro?” Joe asked making himself comfortable on the edge of my bed.

“I need to eliminate five more girls but I just can’t make a choice and was thinking that maybe you two could help?” It came out more as a question than a statement because I just wasn’t sure if they would be up to the task or not.

“Sure man, who do you have picked?” Tony asked moving to the other side of my bed to make himself comfortable too; I handed him the thirty profiles and he passed each one to Joey when he finished reading it.

“Holy fuck I forgot how hot all these chicks are.” Joey said while looking through the profiles again.

“Dude, not helping!” I growled running my hand through my already messy hair.

“Alright, alright! So damn possessive! Don’t you have like some videos on them or something?” He asked looking around my room for the remote.

          I grabbed the remote from the stand by my bed and started the DVD that I had saved the final thirty girls interviews on; I tossed Joey a pillow so he could lay back and we all made ourselves comfortable as we watched the interviews. After a lot of obnoxious comments from Joey and good points from Tony they each picked the five girls that they would eliminate; to my surprise they both picked three of the same girls but the other two were different. While Tony picked Sandra and Tiffany, Joey picked Lucy and Shay; I looked down at the profile that had been bothering me from the first time I saw it while biting my lip debating what to do.

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