"Yes I can." Lance smiled.

The doctors walked in seein* their patient was now awake they go into action to tell her what was wrong.

"Hello Katie we have the test results back and we need to start doing your second round of chemotherapy soon because we have to tackle the cancer now. We also are now needing you to stay hooked up to the oxygen because of how bad it is in your chest. You will be able to go home on Tuesday but you will have to visit every Saturday until it's safe to do it every other Saturday, you understand?"

"Yes." she sighed.


Pidge, got out of bed and packed her get well things into her bed she was finally able to go home but reluctant of her new buddy that is now with her.

"Pidge come on we have to go." Her mom spoke.

"Yes mom I'm coming." She smiled happy to leave the hell hole.

She was finally able to walk and go to school so she was excited to go back to school but nevous at the same time.


Pidge walked into the big school she loved she walked down the hallways getting stares but naturally she expected that she was hooked to an oxygen tank but it was necessary she couldn't breath on her own she was told by a doctor homeschooling would be safer but Pidge was already enrolled she didn't want to stay home after a week.

"Hey Pidge you feeling better." Lance spoke.

"Yes much but I'm not sure about gym though I'm nervous." Pidge spoke but knowing cancer is just an excuse she still needs to exercise like everyone else.

"Just do different styles and tell the teacher if some might not work out." Lance smiled.

Pidge blushed she then realized what she was feeling for Lance. Did she have a crush? On Lance?

Yes she does.

It just made her blush even more from realizing her feelings.

"Um I got to go change.... yeah change." She nodded as she and her oxygen tank rolled down the hallway making a dash for the change room.

Pidge sighed as she closed the door she walked around some girls and changed she unhooked herself from the cord and changed she soon finished still getting stares and went to talk to the teacher to see about different exercises she could do. She could do most but sports like soccer and football were out of the question she even had to be carful about dodgeball.

"I could get you to search some up on your phone and get you to do them. You will be marked differently then the others is that okay?" The teacher concluded.

"Yes." She nodded.

The teacher walked away as Lance approached he blushed and it was now his turn to go in realization.

'Do I like her?'  He asked himself.

"Hey Lance." Pidge smiled as he gushed over it.

"Pidge do you want to exercise together." He smiled and Pidge gushed over it.

"Sure." She cheered.

The two did jumping jacks and stretched before the teacher decided to play badminton.

They were crushing hard on each other and everyone could see it

~at lunch~

"Welcome back Pidge sorry I couldn't see you in the hospital it was because Coran poisoned the mice by accident so we had to take them to the vet." Allura apologized.

"It's okay Allura."

"And I was on a date." Hunk apologized "and then my mom yelled at me for not telling her so I got grounded."


"It's okay Lance I was happy having you Shiro and Keith with me." Pidge smiled.

"Fine but only because she said it was okay."


Yo it's me.

The next chapter will be somtime this week Okay I'm HORRIBLE with publishing dates like it could be tomorrow or 30 days later idfk sometimes.

Anyways bear with me but it will be this week Okay????????

+Rin is out+

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