I ended up here because I swallowed too many medications.

I've been here for three months. All summer long. School started next week, I've been here since the first day of summer.

I've seen suicides, new ways to self harm, everything to see in a mental hospital.

There was nothing to be afraid of anymore. I've seen it all. I'm numb to it now. There was no chance I was getting out any time soon.

It was another extremely numb, nonparticipating day of dread. My nurses continued to try to talk to me, but only Ashley knew how to get me out of bed to eat enough to suffice the doctor's needs to not classify me to having an eating disorder.

When I retreated back to my room, Ashley followed. She was like a true mother and friend. She handed me an orange pill bottle. "Take one of these every morning. It'll give you something to look forward to, y'know other than dying." Ashley let go of her grip of the bottle and left the room.

I opened the bottle to instantly overdose on whatever drug she gave me, only to find M&Ms.

Something to look forward to? Yeah right.

Many rounds of solitaire later, it was 8:30. Time for bed, so I collected my cards and slept in my baggy clothes.

I woke up and stretched my arms to hear multiple bones all over my body begin to crack. My eyes were drawn in my a sudden orange color. The pill bottle full of M&Ms. I rolled my eyes, yet I remembered how much I loved M&Ms when I was out of this damn prison. I pushed the lid down and twisted. I pulled off the lid and spilt a few of the chocolate candies on my hand. I grabbed one and pushed the rest back in the bottle.

Today was going to be a good day.

And it was, nothing bad happened. Everyone seemed happy, disregarding the atmosphere.

Everyone participated. Even KiKi...

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