Wicked Enchantress Part 14

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Theo breaks the news of his marriage to the King. Zephyr comes to know the role of magic in Balfad a bit better.

By the time they were ready to head to the ballroom, Theo was no longer laughing. He was clearly nervous. Mute and pale, except for a slash of blushing skin across each cheek marking his deep agitation. He strode along quickly, so swiftly she couldn't keep up. She was dressed as fine as could be, but he was simply magnificent. He always looked splendid in black, and this time he was dressed in a wide shouldered robe of black velvet the long wide sleeves were banded below with silver. His arms came through the robe revealing along the sleeves and breast of his suit underneath black velvet with little inch long slashes across the fabric which peeked more cloth of silver. His auburn hair gave a burnished red glow in the rushlight.

She felt dressed in a fine outfit as well, though it was not perhaps in keeping with the current fashions at the palace. Her bodice and sleeves was gold damask above, worked with a pattern of dragon leaves, spiky and curling at the tips. The underdress was crimson, worked in a pattern of darker silk in the shape of complicated lover's knot down the front, and little sashes of a silken linen shift that floated against her skin. The over dress had tight sleeves at the top. They barely sat upon the edge of her shoulders, creating a wide sweep of square neckline. But as they went down they widened into deep turned back sleeves to reveal ermine fur. She petted the fur, it was silky soft and she needed the big wide sleeves to keep her warm—the castle was frigid. As Theo led her swiftly along the galleries, she followed almost at a trot, their breath visible. She held the sleeves against her torso and they warmed her like a giant fur muff.

Yet, her confidence in looking fine took death blows as from time to time as they rushed along, Theo would looked down at her critically, as if she just would not do. Her hair was parted down the middle and mostly under the type of hood she was used to. Yet the young maid who helped her dress said the new style was for puffed up hair at the front and no hood. Theo cast a glance at her hair and gave a sigh. She didn't know how the new style was done and frankly, didn't trust any elf to show her. She left it as it was rather than risk looking a complete fool.

Besides, if anyone insulted her, Theo could stab them. His slender belt held a dagger angled across his lower back and another dagger at his side. Apparently elves went around constantly armed to the teeth. And they weren't just ceremonial dress swords either. They were sharp and worn so that he could draw them quickly. Around his neck was a gold chain that hung to just exactly to the middle of his chest. The chain had links formed of twinned grey pearls every so often and at the bottom dangled a charm about the size of a peach pit with a enameled picture of a ship tossing on on dark stormy seas.

After winding through the halls and numerous corridors and stairs they were at a side door through which she could hear festivities.

"Is it like this every night? She asked.

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