The Legend of Zelda: The Dark Agenda

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The Clash

The different iterations of Link are fighting all of their respective Ganons (Ex: Starting From Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess). Each one is about to deliver the final strike. Each scene whites out into the next. The next Ganon and Link are battling in the Temple of Time. These are twisted versions of themselves. Link has dark circles under his eyes, jagged thorny armor on and horns on his hat that curve back like a satyr. Ganon is wearing a cloak of bones, ribcage armor and bone shrapnel gauntlets. There are broken and shattered weapons all over the floor. A dark sword with its hilt chopped off is imbedded in the ground. Cast aside on the floor, a handle attached to a chain is cut in half. A broken sledge hammer is left in the ruins of a half demolished statue. A boomerang is lodged in the back wall. When Link and Ganon are about to perform their final strikes, they create a shockwave that disrupts something in the Temple of Time. The screen goes white and something ghostly latches onto them. They are teleported through time by this unknown force. They reappear in the dark world of A Link to the Past, specifically in front of the entrance to the grove of the flute boy.

They both realize that golden inhibitor collars have been placed on their necks. Eight keyholes are on each collar. Link disregards the new collar and clashes the notched Sword of Evil's Bane against his Hylean shield. He grimaces with sharpened teeth and charges. The sword swings and the shield swipes. Ganon's right hook smashes into the shield and his left hand catches the hilt of Link's sword. Link tries to wrench free, but Ganon's head flies forward to smash into Link's nose. He falls backward and Ganon tries to bulrush forward, ripping the weapon free from Link's hand. Link's feet brace against Ganon's chest and kicks him away. Link rises with his shield as Ganon falls back with a clap of dark energy to blast Link away as he blocks with his shield.

Ganon and Link both stop when they see A Link to the Past Ganon smash through the top of the dark world ziggurat in the distance.

"How far back did we go?" Ganon asks as Link picks up his sword.

Link shrugs at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you not remember our fated battle here in my world?"

Link emphatically shakes his head, No.

"You don't? What madness is this? Do you not remember all of our battles?"

Link gives another shake of his head.

"The constant fluctuations of time...Are you even the same Link? Is your mind addled with amnesia? Each time we meet, you fight with a renewed fervor and I become wearier...Or do you reincarnate? Or are you all possibly descendants of each other...I was so close to achieving my goal in this world. And as always, you got in my way. The blind hero of time."

Link leans on his sword, looking at Ganon as if he is an idiot.

"Did you ever wonder why I hunted Zelda? Why her? There is a Demigod, who I have once met and attacked. He would rule over the people and make them into mindless slaves. I will not be ruled over by anyone and would rather become the ruler than allow that swine to give me orders. At least when I enslave, they keep their most cases. But...I know that I will not be able to stop this Demigod if it takes possession of his desired host, one who is gifted in magic beyond all mortals, more than myself in some ways. All this time, even though my methods are cruel, I have been capturing Zelda, and placing seals on her to prevent the demigod's ascension while securing my own seat of power. I'd rather rule as a tyrant than let a mewling child of the gods dominate me. And telling you this, even now, you may forget them in our next encounter. If we get to have one."

The Legend of Zelda: The Dark AgendaWhere stories live. Discover now