Chapter One: Is This a Dream?

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Annabelle released a loud groan, it was three in the morning and the storm pounding overhead was not helping her sleep. She lay in bed for five more minutes before conceding defeat and going into her living room for late night snacks and tv. After snatching a bag of Milanos and a glass of milk she popped onto the couch and began flipping through Netflix.

After searching for a while, she decided to watch The Vampire Diaries. Again. Right as the show began, a loud crack of thunder practically shook the house.

Annabelle had no idea how her parents were still asleep. As she turned back to the tv a particularly nasty bolt of lightning hit a tree near her house. She began to panic and looked around for somewhere to hide. But before she could, the old tree collapsed, going straight for the house. The last thing Annabelle saw was her tv (which was oddly enough still playing) heading straight for her.

The first thing Annabelle noticed as she woke up was the uncomfortable branch sticking into her back.

She groaned and stood up, finding herself in the middle of the woods.

In the distance, she could hear police sirens and see lights. She clambered through the woods toward the noises, looking out of place in her Vampire Diaries sweatshirt and hot pink yoga pants but she didn't really care.

As she stumbled out of the woods, she recognized that she was near a hospital. She did a double take when she saw the name, "Mystic Falls General Hospital".

She wandered towards the hospital, just then realizing that her leg was gushing blood. With yet another groan, she continued limping towards the hospital, getting some odd looks from people along the way. As she walked in, she almost fainted.

   Standing not 15 feet in front of her was Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert. "Oh. My. God." was all she was able to get out before she was reduced to squealing with joy. She stopped squealing when she started getting odd looks from the staff and the other patients.

     She froze as Damon turned to look at her, raising his signature eyebrow. "Crap."She muttered and scuttled down the hallways. She turned a corner only to slam into Damon Salvatore himself.

"Hello." He said with his signature smirk.

    Obviously amused at the girls choice of wardrobe. "H-i." She stuttered out, still mildly in shock due to the fact that she was standing in the fictional town of Mystic Falls.

He smirked, "You were running from me, why?" "No, No, I just. Umm. I have somewhere to be" "No, You don't."

He said while slamming her against the wall. "Damon!" another familiar voice shouted.

    "Let her go!" Damon sighed and let her go. "Are you OK?"

Elena asked. Annabelle just stared dumbfounded. "Um Hello?" "Oh. My god, you're Elena, Hi! Its an honor to meet you" Elena just gave her an odd look while Damon just looked suspicious.

"Sorry sweetheart, we have a list of problems a mile long right now and you will have to be dealt with later."

    That was the last thing Annabelle heard before something hit the back of her head and everything went dark.

Hey Everybody,What did you think? Just wanted to mention that while I definitely don't own the Vampire Diaries I do own Annabelle Fontaine and her storylines and I would appreciate it if nobody took my plot

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Hey Everybody,
What did you think? Just wanted to mention that while I definitely don't own the Vampire Diaries I do own Annabelle Fontaine and her storylines and I would appreciate it if nobody took my plot.
- Bean

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