Chapter 12: A Choice

Start from the beginning

After I reached my target, I jumped up in the air above the trees and used mabufudyne on the ground below, freezing every thing in place. I landed on the ice covered field and saw a frozen mittelt and a blue haired woman.


Name: Kalawarner

Profession: Fallen angel

Race: Fallen Angel

Title: None

Fame: None

Level: 22

HP: 250/250
MP: 200/200

They both looked at me in horror as they figured out that I was the one who who froze a large portion of the forest. Understandable, it's not everyday you get to see some more powerful than you.

"I-I-Imp-p-possible." I heard a scruffy old voice behind me. I turned around and looked at him dead in the eyes.

"Dohnaseek." I said in a somewhat demonically monstrous voice, no longer resembling a humans voice.

They all paled as I let out a tiny bit of my deathly aura. "Do you remember me?" I asked him, he couldn't respond. Was it because he was half frozen? I snap my fingers and the ice surrounding him shattered. He was now on all 4 looking at the ground. I walked towards him.

"You killed me, so it's only fair if I do the same to you but worse right?" I said while I activated my Evil Smile skill which instils fear on my foes.

'Let's have some fun shall we?'


Me and Akeno were heading our way to the church as soon as we found out that Issei and the others went there against my orders. We were making our way there till the forest suddenly froze, me and Akeno jump just in time to avoid being frozen.

"What!? What happened?" I said as landed on the now frozen forest. I looked at Akeno seeing as she had a worried expression. "I think I know who could have done this, buchou." She said as she looked over in a certain direction.

I turn my head towards where she was facing and I saw Lucis standing in front of a fallen angel who on the ground on all fours. We saw Lucis had a horrifying smile on his face.

"You killed me so it's only fair if I did the same to you but worse right?" His cold and deathly tone sent a chill to our spines. His voice sounded monstrous, It wasn't recognizable anymore. He held up his hand and created... a Light spear?! A light spear coated with fire and electricity. 'Such power. Did he also froze the forest?' I thought.

He walked over to the fallen and kicked him in the face making him land a few feet away on his back, and just then Lucis appeared in front of his and stabbed him in the stomach... over and over and over again, burning and electrocuting the fallen angel at same time. All we heard was the pained screams of the fallen who was choking on his blood while Lucis had psychotic smile in his face and was laughing maniacally.


We then noticed the 2 other fallen angels frozen, as they watched in horror as they're comrade is being 'killed', if that's what you want call it anyways, right in front of their eyes.

After a few minutes of screams, Lucis facing the lifeless body, he finished it of by incinerating it before he turned towards the two remaining fallens angels. They flinched and cowered knowing that they would be next, they were shivering not because of the cold, but because of the fear.

"P-p-ple-e-ease, h-have m-me-ercy." The blue haired one quietly begged with tears falling from her fear induced eyes as Lucis slowly walked towards them, smiling and giggling at their desperate plea.

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