Extra Chapter

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Chapter 24: [Beta] Getting Back What You Had Thrown Away


We were here in the clubroom shocked by Altera-san's statement. None of us said a word, this would have continued until I had spoken up on everyone's behalf.

"What do you mean that they'll both die. Is this some kind of joke?" I asked hoping to Satan it was, but Altera-san's serious expression says otherwise.

"I'm afraid not. He was serious about killing master, especially when they first met. That much I could tell." She said as she clasp both her hands and slightly shivered.

This time it was Kiba, who surprisingly stayed asked the next question. "When did they first meet exactly?"

Altera-san took a breath before answering. "It was the day after Master was nearly assulted by her." She said as she pointed at me. I sweatdrop having reminded of that. The others didn't seemed to be bother which was a relief, the two Excalibur user seemed somewhat disgusted.

"It was the middle of the night when I heard pained screams coming from masters room. I immediately went to his side, when I entered his room I saw him on the floor on his knees with that man on his fours."

"This is when they first fought, Master instantly sent both him and himself into his dungeon to prevent any collateral damage, but when he came out..." Altera stops for a moment and began to tear up.

"What! What happened to lucis!? Was he alright!?" Issei suddenly stood up, clearly worried about his best friend. He never once doubted his decisions and judgment, their friendship goes through and through.

Altera shook her head and tears began to fall. "When Master came out... he... "she pauses for a moment to take a deep breath while all of us where intently listening to Altera-san's story. "He was... soaked in blood." Our eyes widened to hear that happened to Lucis's but Altera-san wasn't finished.

"He had severe injuries all over his body and was barely conscious. He had large cuts and burns all over, his left eyes was gouged out and... his right arm as well as both his legs were... gone. They were healed thanks to masters magic, but the thought of what happened to him was... too much."

She finished as she began to wipe her tears away, while we had shocked looks on our faces to hear what Lucis had gone through that. I looked at the others to see Akeno as well as Asia in tears, Kiba and Koneko clutching their fist in anger.

But the one who was most affected was issei. He clearly wasn't taking the news very well to hear that his friend had gone through that. He was furious as he gritted his teeth, very much so that they started to bleed luckily Asia was there to calm him down.

"I was told to never speak of this to all of you, but..." Altera-san started getting our attention. "The reason why Master did and said all those things to all of you was because he wanted to protect all of you."

(Altera's thoughts: "I must refrain from saying that Master would have gotten rid of his Pawn piece regardless if Magatsu had showed up or not.)

We all took some time for us to process all this new and sudden information. First of all Lucis did all of this because he didn't want to involve us in his problem. Second, his opponent, Magatsu Lucis Ferron, is somewhat his equal from the injuries he had sustained. Third, He's protecting us because we and he knows the we are no match him, therefore we cannot help and only be a hindrance.

"Protecting us? What kind of bullshit is that?" We turned to see Issei standing up, looking down with his hair covering his eyes. "If my best friend is out there dying for us how can I expect to just sit down and not do the same."

A Persona User? In Highschool DxD!? Male OC Reader! X Highschool DxDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat