Taking down an original

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Ella's POV

"I remember her from last night." Kol said. I looked up and frowned as Caroline walked towards us. "Now she looks like a ..." Ok don't need to hear what my uncle thinks about my friend.

"Say another word and I'll tear out your liver."

"Ouch uncle Kol, I think he means it." I said and smirked as Kol frowned at me.


"Oh ... it's you." Caroline said then she turned her head and our eyes met. Her eyes widened as she stared at me. What was she planning? I could tell she was planning something but what?

"Join us for a drink?" Klaus asked as Kol raised his glass.

"Caroline doesn't want to join us for a drink father, I'm sure she has somewhere else to be."

"Now, now Ella. No need to be jealous that daddy is showing someone else other than yourself attention." Kol said and smirked as I frowned.

"I'd rather die of thirst." Caroline said then she looked at me and frowned. "Thanks." Caroline said then she turned and walked away.

"Isn't she stunning?" Klaus asked and I couldn't help but growl as I downed my drink in one.

"She certainly looks good walking away from you." Kol said and smirked as Klaus put his drink down. I sighed and quickly ran out as Klaus was preoccupied with Kol.

Pain, pain was all that I could feel.

"Dad, dad something is wrong." I shouted as I ran over to Klaus and Caroline.

"What is it?" Caroline asked as she stood up and faced Klaus. I grabbed ahold of his arm and started coughing. I spat a liquid onto the ground and I froze as I saw it was blood.

"What's happening to me daddy?" I asked as the pain increased.

"What did you do?" Klaus asked as he held onto me.


"What did you do?" Klaus snapped as he grabbed ahold of Caroline.

"I didn't do anything. Stop it." Caroline said as she pulled away from Klaus.

"It's hurts daddy, it hurts." I hissed as another wave of pain crossed through my body. Klaus grabbed ahold of me and as I locked eyes with Caroline she looked sad.

"Kol." Klaus whispered then he held onto me tighter as he ran to the back of The Grill. I dropped to the ground at the top of the steps and watched as Klaus pulled the dagger out of Kol's chest and flung Alaric into the wall. I gasped as the pain increased again and I coughed up some more blood. Damon looked up and he looked shocked to see me.

"I should have killed you months ago." Klaus said. I slowly stood up even though it hurt so much, I had to get down the stairs. I stepped down one step and wobbled. I hissed as my pain shot through my body. I took a deep breathe and ran down the rest of the stairs.

"Do it, it isn't going to stop Esther from killing you." Damon said.

"What did you say about my mother?" Klaus asked as he walked towards Damon. I ran over and grabbed ahold of his arm.

"Daddy don't." I whispered then I paused as the pain started to go away. Klaus took another step towards Damon but I was concentrating too much on the pain disappearing that I couldn't stop him.

"Leave him." I looked up and sighed as Elijah stood there. "Are you ok Ella?"

"It hurt Elijah, it hurt so much." Klaus turned around and faced Elijah with a frown on his face. Elijah smiled at me then he turned back to Klaus.

"We still need him Niklaus."

"What did mother do?" Klaus asked as he walked over and helped me stand correctly. "What did she do Elijah?" Elijah walked down the steps, past both Klaus and I and walked until he was in front of Damon.

"You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." Elijah said as he pulled out his phone.

"Elijah you can't do that. You can't kill Elena just to stop Esther." I shouted as I tried to run over but Klaus held me back.

"You told me we had until after nine." Damon said and my heart sank. They were really going to kill Elena if Damon didn't give up the location. I closed my eyes and tried reaching out to Esther.

"She will be more than happy to start her work early." Elijah said and I frowned as I tried hard to reach Esther.

"Let them go." I whispered as I slowly opened my eyes. Everyone turned and faced me looking confused. "Let them go and I can take you to her. She may have block you from finding her but she forgot one thing. She didn't block me from finding her." I said and smiled as Klaus smirked.

"That's my girl." Klaus said as he walked over and kissed my head.

"They're coming mother."

"It's too soon, the moon isn't high enough. Go quickly." I smirked as I walked backwards facing my father and uncles.

"Who was right?" I asked as I cupped my ear. "Come on, say it."

"Ella Mikaelson was right yet again." Kol said and I couldn't help but grin even more as I turned around and skipped by my father's side.

"My sons, come forward." Esther said.

"Stay beside me."

"What about me? You said my sons but you never said my granddaughter." I said and frowned as I stared at Esther.

"It's ok, they can't enter." Esther said as she smiled. Kol walked forward but stopped as the flames grew higher.

"That's lovely. We're stuck out here whilst ..." I ignored the rest of Kol's little speech as I moved away from my father. Esther and Finn were too bothered about keeping an eye on Kol, Elijah and Klaus that they weren't watching what I was doing. Vampires couldn't get in but I wonder if I could. Had she block every supernatural creature from entering?

"Be quiet Kol." Esther said and I took my chance. I took a step forward and frowned as I was blocked from entering as well. I could feel it, something was happening. I took a deep breathe and took another step forward.

"Noooo." Esther said. "Sisters, do not abandon me."

"Mother." Finn said as he pulled Esther into his arms. The flames grew higher and higher yet I couldn't move. I watched as Kol, Elijah and my father all turned away to shield themselves but I couldn't. The flames twisted around my body and I screamed but not a single sound could be heard. The flames vanished and I couldn't feel my body. I looked up and saw Kol walk into the circle and frown, they had vanished into thin air. The pain was too much, it was consuming me.

"Daddy." Was the last thing I said before the darkness took over.


What do you think?

Is Ella going to be ok? Will she survive?


Klaus' Little Secret - A Vampire Diaries Fan Fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن