I need you to come home!

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I slowly closed the gate then stared up at the two story house and frowned. Don't get me wrong, I love this house but I was used to living in my dad's mansion. I knew coming here wasn't the best idea since Damon thought I was with my dad and my dad thought I was with Damon but if they knew where I really was then ... well I wouldn't be here, they would have forced me to stay in Mystic Falls. I took a step forward then I was knocked backwards and I couldn't help but burst out laughing as Cojo, the cutest little brown and white pit started licking my face.

"Cojo! What have I told you about attacking people?" Cojo quickly jumped off me and started whimpering. I recognised that voice but from where? I jumped up and raised an eyebrow when I ended up face to face with my uncle Elijah.

"What the hell are you doing here uncle Elijah?" I snapped as I stood there with my hand on my hip. "What are you doing here at Lisa's?"

"I ... well you see ... I am ..."

"Ella." I spun around and smiled as Lisa ran over and attacked me with a hug. "I've missed you so much darling."

"I've missed you too Lisa." I whispered then I pulled away and glared at her. "What is my uncle doing here Lisa?"

"Why don't we go inside and I can explain everything to you Ella?" Elijah said as he smiled at me. I looked between my best friend, Elisa and my uncle Elijah and sighed before nodding my head.

"Good." Lisa said then she turned to Cojo and smiled. "Cojo boy, let's go inside." Cojo tilted his head to the left, making him look even cuter before he turned and ran off towards the house. Was it just my eyes or were my uncle and best friend holding hands? They might just be really good friends, I hope they are because if they were dating ... god that's just wrong. My best friend and my uncle, ewwww. I shook my head, hoping to erase the images of my best friend and my uncle being together then I started walking towards the house.

"Everything you once knew will never be the same again Ella, remember that." I spun around and frowned when I saw no one was about. Maybe I was just imagining the voice, no one would be stupid enough to step foot onto Lisa's property when an original and an original's daughter were here, right?

Klaus's POV

"Rebekah, call me back immediately. I only came to this stupid dance because you begged me to and now you are nowhere to be found." I lowered the phone and took a couple more steps before I noticed the line of salt on the ground. "What is this?"

"Your mother's back." Stefan said and I could feel the hatred for my mother growing even more. I slowly turned around and weakly smiled when I saw Damon stood next to Stefan. If Damon was back then that meant that my daughter, Ella would be back also.

"Where's Ella? Why did you ask her to come home?"

"Ask her to come home? I never asked her to come home. What do you mean? Where is my daughter Salvatore?" I snapped as my eyes narrowed.

"Ella got a text from you saying she needed to come home so she left. I thought she was with you." Damon said then he frowned. "She lied to me, she actually lied to me."

"If she isn't with you and obviously she isn't with me, then where is my daughter?"

"Esther." Stefan whispered and my heart broke. What if my mother did have Ella? What if she was hurting her as I stood here not being able to leave this stupid dance? She wouldn't hurt Ella, right? Ella is her only granddaughter so she couldn't hurt her or could she?

"We need to do something. Ella could be with Esther and she wouldn't realise the danger she was in. We have to do something." Damon shouted then he turned and vanished into the crowded school halls.

I followed Damon into the classroom and smirked when the Bennett witch glared at him.

"Here, Jeremy made a little Gilbert blood donation for your locator spell."

"I have to do this with you two lurking over me." The Bennett witch said. I closed my eyes and started thinking about Ella so that I wouldn't snap and kill the witch. If I killed this witch then we would never be able to get out of here and Ella could be killed by my mother.

"You're still mad at me for what happened to Abby so let me apologise." Damon said then he glared at the witch. "I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's and Ella's lives, didn't exactly have a choice." Damon shouted and I could hear from his voice that he did care for my daughter. If she loved him then I'm sure I could put our differences aside for her happiness.

"There is always a choice. Whenever you make one, someone else suffers."

"Let's cut the dramatics and begin, shall we?" I said as I walked over and stared at the witch. She sighed before opening the tube of blood and pouring it on the map. I ignored the witch's chanting as I stared at the map and I couldn't help but smile as the blood started to move.

"Esther's fighting me."

"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power, unless she is channeling something."

"A hot spot?" The Bennett witch asked as she stared at me looking confused. A hot spot? Then it clicked, I knew where she was.

"Get the humans ready, I know where she is."

I stared down at my mother's body and felt relieved that she didn't have Ella. Sure Ella wasn't home where I knew she would be safe, but at least I knew she wasn't dead.

"Your trap failed, mother. I live, and I will go on living. Let your beloved spirits try to preserve you again. I dare you to come after me. I will build an army so big, no one will ever touch me. My survival will haunt you through eternity. You will never destroy me!" I turned away from her body and a tear rolled down my cheek. "I just need you home Ella, I need you to come home!"


What do you think?

Should we trust Elisa, Ella's best friend from the past?

Is Ella really safe?

Who does the mysterious voice belong to?


Klaus' Little Secret - A Vampire Diaries Fan FictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora