'Cause when our heads betray our hearts

Start from the beginning

"Could you push more force into the endings?", Mike said to the mic feeling his throat tighten.

The singer nodded and they continued. But after ten takes Mike wasn't still happy and Chester started to get frustrated. It wasn't probably even the final lyrics and there he was repeating them over and over again.

"I think that was good, right?", he asked when he had once again finished singing.

"Yes. But not perfect. Again", Mike said absentmindedly. His mind was yelling him to stop: "It's getting ridiculous and leads to nowhere". But he couldn't stop.

Chester sighed and started again. After few more takes Brad raised his brows. He was now noticing the tension and Chester getting more and more annoyed.

"Mike, I think that was enough already. We aren't even certain are the lyr...", the singer said now his voice tight with anger.

"No. Again", Mike shook his head. It wasn't enough. It couldn't be enough.

"Mike what the fuck is wrong with you!", Chester dropped his headphones and stormed back to the monitor room.

Which was cue for Brad to follow Dave to the other room. Mike waited for the door to click closed.

"It wasn't good enough", Mike stood up and waved his hands in the air.

"No, it was! There was many versions that were good enough! But it isn't even final lyrics!", the singer yelled to him.

"Okay! I'm angry. You just came here like nothing happened. You could have said that you hate me and don't want to see me again. Or that we can forget it. Or that you don't want to talk about it. But instead you don't say anything. I know I messed up! You don't have to remind me of that but at least say something!", the half Asian was now yelling back equally frustrated.

"So you mess up and then you take it back on me?! I was going to talk about it but not today, not here for fuck's sake!", the angry singer pushed him back against the wall which startled the emcee. What the fuck is this now?, he thought.

"So talk now. Say that you hate me, say it! And don't fucking dare to pretend that it didn't make you feel anything", Mike tried to push him back but Chester didn't budge. He was pinning him to the wall by his shoulders his big brown eyes filled with anger and frustration.

But Mike could have never be prepared to what the singer did next. He waited a punch, a scream or even him to just turn around on his heels but instead Chester pushed his lips on his roughly making him yelp with surprise. The kiss was so hungry that Mike didn't know what to think. His mind was total whirlwind now. After the singer pulled back he was gasping for air baffled.

"The fuck", was only thing he managed to say while swallowing hard.

"See. I don't hate you", Chester murmured.

"If that is pity talking save it for someone else cause I don't want it", Mike narrowed his eyes. It couldn't be anything else than some sort of twisted pity, he thought.

"No. I... love you. Have loved you since... well I don't know. Some years", the singer dropped the bomb. Mike felt like someone had just driven over him.

"Why haven't...", his mouth was like sandpaper.

"I don't know. Guess when you have been married long enough you feel like you can't divorce. I thought about it. But then I didn't know why would I just take such a big leap maybe for nothing and leave a miserable woman behind. And destroy it all cause of something so... well I thought it was a little thing. Just a crush or so cause we spent so much time together. I started to think that maybe we just had grown attached. But then I couldn't stop thinking about you and I have tried to bury it ever since. I never thought you could feel the same. Oh wait... That was what I interpreted the kiss to be. Feelings towards me, right? Please say that I just didn't pour my heart out for nothing", the singer explained and cringed then.

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