Eighteen- Loss and Comeuppence

Start from the beginning

"I was there that night," Mark speaks up. "I watched you kill my brother in cold blood."


"He looks completely unrecognisable on the posters."

"I can't believe this."

"Wyatt? A murderer?"

More whispers and gasps in the crowd.

"Everyone here now knows what you did. Everyone knows you're a murderer," I pitch in.

"Lies. You really think they're going to believe a few petty criminals like you?"

"The only criminals here are you and Lewis," Mark says as he steps forward. "You're in the Ministry now. You're exposed. Sooner or later, someone will spread the word about what you've done and once they've done that and they realise you really are guilty, you will both be going to Azkaban... for a very, very long time."

Wyatt hesitates, wanting to say something. His eyes turning dark with hatred.

The events that happened next all happened so quickly...

Wyatt draws his wand and points it at me. The crowd of people rush backwards, gasping. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Everything felt like it was travelling in slow motion. I could see the curse charging towards me. My heartbeat quickened, my hand in Seán's became clammy. To my horror, Mark stood in front of me, shielding me from the curse. The spell hit him at so much force he flew backwards, landing on his back at our feet. His eyes were wide open but unseeing, his mouth was agape... but not breathing.

I looked up to see Wyatt, no hint of remorse in his facial expression. He wanted to do it. Suddenly, aurors surrounded him, Lewis and Newt pinned their arms behind their backs, waiting for their next instructions.

I froze in my place. People gathered around the body, whispering and gasping. A few screams reverberated around the room. Seán and I both walked towards Mark, clearing a path in the crowd. He was so still. His chocolate brown eyes still looked so alive. His head was lolled to the side, one hand resting on his stomach and one on the floor. I didn't want to look but something prevented me from moving away.

Seán knelt beside him and checked for a pulse in his wrist. He let out an exhale of shock and covered his mouth with his hand. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes behind his glasses.

"Oh God..." I sobbed. Tears also ran down my cheeks. Mark was gone. Our only ally in this chaos. Our only friend.

Seán put his glasses on top of his head and wiped his eyes before putting them back on his nose. I engulfed him into a hug and he cried into the crook of my neck. Since Newt betrayed us, Mark was the only friend Seán had left. This couldn't be happening. But yet... it was.

He looked down at our friend and with his thumb and forefinger, Seán closed Mark's eyes. "He's at peace now... with Tom," he choked out.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes again. "He... saved my life."

"He did. I just hope he died knowing that he was a hero... and a good friend."

"McLoughlin?" I hear our surname and look up to see a man wearing a long coat and a brass badge. He had brunette hair with a receding hairline and hazel eyes. He wasn't particularly young but his face read kindness.

"Minister," Seán stands up, wiping his eyes and I follow suit.

"Would you two mind stepping into my office for a little while, after I've dealt with a few things here?"

"We can't leave Mark," Seán retorts.

"One of my best aurors will take care of him. I promise you he'll be in good hands," the Minister responds. Seán and I look at each other before looking at Mark and following the Minister away from the crime scene.

"Take Wyatt and Lewis away but let Mr Scamander go, Rogers," he told one of the aurors.

"But, Sir-" Rogers argued.

"Trust me with this."

Reluctantly, Rogers let Newt go and the Minister stood in front of him. He drew his wand and pointed it at Newt. With a twisting motion of his wand, a thin blue ribbon of light emitted from it and into Newt's head. The Minister finished and put his wand back in his coat. Newt's eyes focused and he looked confused.

"Seán!" Newt smiles. "Why are we here? Weren't we in that village?" Seán didn't reply, just crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him sceptically. "What?"

"The imperious curse, Mr McLoughlin," the Minister explains. "Your friend here has been under Wyatt's control for some time I'm afraid."

Seán's eyes softened but still didn't say anything. After everything that's happened I understand how he has problems trusting people.

"Imperious curse?" Newt asks. "What did I do?"

Seán still didn't say anything, just walked past Newt towards the Minister's office.

"If you will just come with me and wait outside my office, we will talk about it there but I have to talk to the McLoughlins first."

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