Sixteen- The Capturer

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Errmm... hi.
Yeah I know, it's been ages since I've updated this book but college and work has kept me very busy to say the least. It's annoying too because I wrote the end of the book ages ago but obviously, I couldn't publish that until I wrote the rest of the body! Anyway, I've spoken long enough. This isn't the best chapter I've ever written but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Your POV
For the first time in a while, peaceful dreams surrounded my slumber. I felt safe in this cave, safe from the world outside, safe from anyone after us. No one could get us from in here...

I woke up with a start at the sound of an echo of stones being kicked across the hard ground throughout the cave. I rapidly looked around to see nothing out of the ordinary. Seán and Mark still slept soundly around the died out campfire and sunlight flooded through the mouth of the cave. I was wary. I didn't trust what my eyes were seeing. Something felt wrong.

I stood up and slowly backed away from the middle of the cave and into the corner, careful not to wake up Seán or Mark with my footsteps. From here I had a good view of the whole cave, where I could see everywhere... except from behind me.

A rough pair of hands lifted me off the ground and one hand was put over my mouth to diminish the sounds of my cries for help. As the anonymous figure began to drag me out of the cave, I kicked and squirmed in his grasp. I kicked him in the groin and he let out a groan, falling to the ground. The commotion had awoken Seán and Mark and they rushed to my side. Seán drew his wand but Mark lowered it with his index finger. He wanted me to deal with this man, didn't he?

The man had got up and drew his wand. "Imperio!" He casted But I simply dodged out of the way. I kicked his wand out of his grasp and the object went flying across the ground and out of sight.

The man's face contorted with rage. He threw a punch but I blocked it and tripped him. He fell to the ground and I punched his nose. I heard an unpleasant crack.

"Tell me, who sent you?" I say threateningly, hovering my fist in the air as though going in for a second punch.

He remained silent, fear apparent in his eyes.

I threw another punch, to his jaw this time. "Who sent you?" I repeated more firmly this time. My knuckles were turning bright red.

"L-like I would t-tell you. F-filthy Muggle." He stuttered.

"I may be a Muggle, but they aren't." I indicated to Seán and Mark. "I'm sure you're aware of the unforgivable curses. I may not be able to cast them but they can." The man suddenly looked terrified. "Now, who fucking sent you?" I grip the collar of his shirt but he still didn't reply. "Seán?" I get up and turn my attention towards him. "You know what to do."

"No, no, wait!" The man gave in and I turn back around. "Wyatt, it was Wyatt. I don't know what he's planning he just told me to come here and take the girl."

"And how did Wyatt know we were here?" I interrogate.

"I don't know."


"No, I'm telling the truth! I swear I don't know! He and Lewis don't tell any of us what they're planning. I'm as clueless as you are."

"What's your name?" My tone changes to a slightly more softer one.

"Jameson. John Jameson." John replies.

"Okay, John, how do we know to trust you?"

"Because none of you know Wyatt and Lewis as well I do. They're very secretive." He replies. I look at Mark and Seán for a sign. Seán shrugs and Mark doesn't look convinced. He leans in and says something to Seán under his breath. Seán looks confused at first but then nods his head. I shoot them a look to ask what they were talking about but Mark waved it off.

"What can you tell me about them?" I turn back towards John.

"That they do not like losing men. They'll be here before you know it."

I turn back to Seán and Mark. "Well? What do we think?" I say in hushed tones.

"We can't trust him," Mark retorts.

"I think he's telling the truth," Seán argues.

"What do we do with him?"

"There's this spell I can perform, it doesn't erase his memory as such but his kinda scrambles it, like he'll have no clue of anything," Mark's suggests.

"There's no need for that," I reply.

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" John calls from behind us.

"Right. I-"

"Thanks, John, but I'm afraid you won't recall any of this." Mark cuts me off and steps forwards. He holds his hands out in front of him but before he could cast the mind-muddling spell, Seán stopped him.

Peering curiously from out of the cave, he says, "Guys, take a look outside..."

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