Untitled Part 9

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Draco sat alone in his room, carefully quiet, and listening. He disliked the general rumble bumble of the Weasley house, he was unused to it. That was most part of the reason. 

Today, there was apparently something important happening. Something about children coming home? He supposed it was the older children, at least one of them, Bill and Charlie. Draco just ignored them, because he could and why the bloody hell not? He did not wish to converse with them, though he would bet that out of the whole lot of them, the two eldest were probably the most magically capable of the entire lot. 

So he resolved to stay inside his room, ignoring the outside world. He generally preferred this way, but unfortunately he was incapable of doing so within the Weasley household, so he did what he could, and ignored people as much as possible, and if that did not work, he would give them curt and short tempered answers as vague as possible.

- - - -

"I thought you said that Draco Malfoy was staying with you." Charlie questioned, curious.

"Yeah, where iz he?" Fleur asked. "I would like to zee him." Her French Accent hardly noticeable, except for the drastic mispronuciation of the 's'. 

"Oh," Molly smiled and her eyes dimmed a bit. "I think he is still in his room." She sighed. "Can barely get him out of that room now-a-days. The boy has been through so much." Bill cleared his throat a bit.

"I will get him." He said, smiling at his fiancee, Fleur. Fleur gave him a beautific smile. 

"Oh, thank you!" She said, hugging him close.

"No problem." He said, ascending the stairs. He knew where the boy's room was at. He was about to knock when he heard voices from inside-as in plural. More than one. One was definitely a house elf, of course. 

"No, Bobby, I just am not certain how to acclimate. You know that I cannot get too comfortable."

"But, perhaps, Master Draco is safes forevers." Draco gave a chilling cold laugh that caused Bill to shiver. 

"No. Most certainly not. If he does not manage to get himself out, he will escape. We both know how capable he is. Askaban will only hold him for so long and than I shall be within his grasp again. I cannot, no matter what, get to laid back."

"Bobby thinks that perhaps Master Draco should enjoy his freedom while he can." There was a long pregnant pause. Bill assumed that Draco was thinking it over.

"What makes you think that I am not having 'fun'."

"I can see it."

"Yes, well, I doubt the Weasley's would be willing to allow Blaise or Pansy to come over. And even if they did, who is to say that their parents will allow it. Even if the Weasley's were to approve, which is not going to happen considering the feuds between the Gryffindor and Slytherin families, it would take a lot of diplomatic speaking." 

"Master is good at that."

"I know I am, but there is still the problem of the Weasleys. It is no question as to whether or not I would be capable of manipulating the Slytherin heads of houses to agree to send Blaise and Pansy, more the difficulty of convincing the Weasleys. And I would prefer not to ask. It never ends well."

"Master..." The house elf-Bobby-sighed.

"That's enough!" Draco ordered, sounding eerily similar to Lucius. "Please, that's enough."

"Understood Master."

"How is my Eagle?"

"He misses you."

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