Start from the beginning

“Kat,” I groan, and then focus back on both my mum and my dad’s questioning gazes. “We run into each other. No big deal. But he knows now.” I turn to Uncle Rich and ask, “Can I use your phone then?”

“This is one of those things, Ellie, that I think should be done in person, don’t you?”

I don’t argue as I stand up, pushing my chair back as I do so, and walk down the table until I’m stood behind Kat’s chair, which I effectively choose to drag her out off. She looks at me like I’m mental, and with her eyes tells me to explain myself, so doing just that, I state, “It’s not like I’m going to go round his house empty handed.”


Chris glances at me from the corner of his eye as he drives, and I know he wants to say something. The look on his face says he’s been wanting to say something from as soon as I asked him, leverage in hand, whether he would be so kind as to drive me onto what I still think of as the enemy land so I can see the mate I had stated only last night to him that I hated so much I never wanted to see again.

I guess he has a reason to be weirded out.

“Just say it, Christopher,” I look at him whilst he drives, one hand on the steering wheel, one hand on the gear stick, sat there acting as cool as a cucumber. Bad choice of simile, I know. “Just let it all out.”

“Why?” He asks almost automatically, just straight out and simple, that’s what I like about this boy sometimes.

“I got my scan date this morning, at breakfast. I’m just letting Gabriel know.”

He gives me a serious look before returning his gaze to the road, “And when were you going to tell me?”

“Tonight,” I offer. Truly, I wasn’t going to bother letting him know until he had asked. I don’t see how it’s any of his business anyway. It’s just the three month scan. Nothing important, nothing anyone really needs to know about at all.

“Yeah, and you need those why?” He nods down to my lap.

“There a peace offering, in case he wasn’t too happy about my hanging up on him last night.”


Chris turns down a dirt track road, and after a couple of minutes of driving through the forest, a house appears in view. It’s a large pack house, and many cars are parked at the side of the track we’re currently driving down. As Chris puts the brakes on, and I look at the door I’m only metres away from, I sigh and turn to him.

“Don’t bother waiting,” I pause for a minute, “I’ll call my dad when I want picking up and he’ll send someone, maybe for once himself.”

I open the door of the truck and slide myself out. I’d usually jump, but not now. I kind of miss it to be honest, the whole immature and spontaneous things I’d be able to achieve when I was young, and no baby was growing in my womb. I waddle over to the giant double doors and rasp three loud knocks on the wood, hoping that someone will hear me.

A boy answers, one I recognise, and I guess, maybe he was one of the ones in the diner when Gabriel and I had that run in before. “Yes?”

“Um,” I mumble quietly, “Is Gabriel in?”

He doesn’t seem to mind me asking that though as he just steps back slightly and shouts really loud, almost bursting my ear drums, “Gabe, it’s a chick for you!”

I hear thundering footsteps almost suddenly, and then from nowhere, Gabriel Hale appears, a bored expression on his face. Except that changes when he obviously realises it’s me, looks up fully, and takes me in properly. His bright blue eyes light up slightly, electric pulsing through them in waves, and his smell fills my nostrils as he steps closer and closer to the door. His hair, black as night, is slightly falling over his forehead in a small fringe, and as he walks, it bounces up and then back down.

“Thanks, Drake.” His voice, almost less rough and husky as usual, says as he pats the other werewolf on the shoulder. Gabriel’s gaze then fully turns to me, and I can see him take everything in, especially my expression. His eyes pulse the questions ‘Is everything okay? Is something wrong?” But the words out his mouth are, “Ellie, what are you doing he-“

I interrupt him though, with a “Don’t say anything,” and then holding up the box in my hands, I say, “I brought brownies.”

More Than Known [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now