Kirino chuckled, "Go, Daddy Shindou," Kirino laughed

He smiled, Ranmaru's back...

"See you later, Mommy Kirino," Shindou said back

"Kirino-san, Shindou-sama already bought you clothes for today, please follow me," the maid said as Kirino followed her.

Shindou lay Ran in his bed. Luckily, his bed is big enough for 5 people.


Shindou turned his head to see Ran crying.

"Ran, why? what's wrong?"

Ran stood up, clung into Shindou's neck then cried, "Don't leave me..."

"Of course, now stop crying," Shindou smiled

Then Ran's crying got loud, making Shindou alert.

"Does something hurt?" Shindou asked facing Ran


As if on cue, Kirino rushed upstairs.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked

"I thought you left me again..." Ran said, slowly walking to Kirino

Kirino smiled, "Why would Mommy do that?" As she reached for her daughter

She held the back of Ran's head while Ran clung to her neck.

Shindou smiled, "Mommy Kirino,"

Kirino glared, "Shut up Papa Shindou,"

Then the bestfriends laughed.

"Let's sleep now Mommy?" Ran asked

"Do you want to sleep with Mommy or Daddy?" Kirino asked

"Eh? Can't I choose both?" She asked

Shindou was startled, of course the child will request for that! He thought

Kirino smiled at Shindou, "Of course you can,"

Why is Kirino so... like this all of sudden?

"If Daddy allows it," Kirino said

"Daddy!! Please!"

"Of course," Shindou smiled then propped himself in the bed

Kirino lay Ran in the bed, between her and Shindou.

"Goodnight Ran," Kirino said then closed the lamp

After hearing soft snores, Kirino slowly stood up, unknown to her, Shindou was still awake.

"I knew it,"

"Shi-shindou!" Kirino blurted

"Drop the act Kirino, you're just making the child believe you are her mother," Shindou smiled wryly

"I'm not pretending an act," Kirino snapped

"I'm trying to be a mother to her like you trying to be a father to her," she added

"Atleast, I'm not faking it," Shindou stood up

"I'm not!"

"Then why are you leaving her?"

"I'm not! I'm just gonna sleep in another bed!" She said


"Because it feels so weird to feel that we're a freakin' family, Shindou! Damn it!" She finally blurted, leaving Shindou shocked

"You said that we need to make a great family for Ran..."

"Yeah, I said that, I mean it," Kirino said

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