chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Slamming the car door shut, I dragged Logan out of the car, one hand gripped tightly on his arm. He glared at me and grumbled in complaint."Look, I have somewhere to be this afternoon so can you please let me go? I promise not to sue you for almost running me over, if that what you're worried about."

Rolling my eyes exasperated, I ignored him. Alex dragged his feet across the floor moodily, taking his time to come in. Annoyance scribbled on his face whenever he saw Logan."Alex, hurry up or I'm going to lock you out." I placed my hands on my hips staring at him sternly. He sighed through his nose but obliged to my command. Shaking my head at his childless, I ushered Logan into the house while Alex trailed behind like a shadow.

Well this was new, Alex was hardly moody and hard to put down. Sure he wasn't that bright of a person around other people other than our gang but he never acted this cold towards a person before. Forcing Logan to sit down not he couch, I walked up to Alex and placed my hand over his forehead, frowning deeply. He arched an pierced eyebrow."What are you doing?"

"Checking if you have a temperature." When his forehead felt fine, I withdrew my hand."Huh, you don't seem to have one. Are you--?"

"Umm, can you guys not act all lovey gushy? I'm kinda still here." Logan fidgeted uncomfortably on the couch, rubbing the back of neck. I couldn't help but notice how he had the bad boy look in him when his black hair fell in front of his silver blue eyes. It suited him well. His wasn't overly muscular but you could still see his well defined muscle through his blue T-shirt.

Alex shot another glare his way."We're not acting lovey dove you idiot. In case you didn't notice, we're trying to have a conversation here."

Logan snickered disbelievingly, leaning back into the couch. He crossed his arms over his chest."Thats not what I saw."

"Oh yeah?! How---" I cut off Alex's words by socking him hard in the stomach. He grunted before doubling over in pain. Logan stared at me shocked. I rolled my eyes blowing my bangs out of my eyes with a huff. He was acting like he never saw a girl punch someone--or something like that.

"You two." I gave each of the boys a pointed look."I will leave this room for ten minutes and when I come back, I expect you tow to be holding hands and gushing about the awesome pair of new shoes you saw at the store the other day or whatever guys talk about."

They both started laughing simultaneously, pointing at each other."You expect me to get along with him? Thats hilarious!!" I stared at the disapprovingly and when they both finally noticed that I wasn't laughing along, they immediately sobered up."You're kidding right?"

Arching an eyebrow I said with a deadly calm voice."Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"But Kay, I don't want to be stuck here with him." Alex whined, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I refused to budge."No, if you don't cooperate, I'm going to call Blake and drag him here all the way from California." Alex's eyes widened before he narrowed them into slits.

"You wouldn't." he growled lowly, in a threatening tone.

I smirked arrogantly."Try me. Last time I checked, Blake said that whenever I needed him, he would come." Blake was one of the people that Alex despised the most. Two years ago, Blake had joined our gang and he seemed to have a thing towards me. He would flirt with me whenever he could and we even went out a couple of times. Alex, for no reason had developed a huge grudge against him. But just last year, Blake had decided to move back to California. Blake had given me his phone number and told me to call him whenever I needed to. Never thought I would use it but now, I just might. To say that Alex was happy when Bake left is an understatement. He threw a party when he left--literally.

"You will not be calling that bastard." Alex picked himself off the floor and stalked towards me his arms tense by his side. He cornered me into a corner of the wall and slammed his fist above my head. He leaned in, his face only a few centimeters away from mine.

"We'll see about that. It wall depends on whether you and Logan will get along together." I stated calmly. His lips pulled back into a snarl, his green eyes flashing in anger.

He reformed his snarl into a dangerous smile."Fine, we can play this your way but I'll always win." My eyes narrowed and I shoved him off me. Something flashed in his eyes but I couldn't quite catch it. Logan was leaning back in the couch staring boredly up at the ceiling. I seated myself in the couch across from him.

He turned his intense gaze from the ceiling to me."Can I go now? I have to be somewhere in a few hours."

"And where do you need to be exactly?"

His jaw tensed."Thats none of your business."

I leaned back into the couch getting comfortable."Then we'll be here for awhile then. Let me ask you again, where are you going?"

HIs silver-blue yes hardened before he caved in."Wattpad meeting." he mumbled so lowly I barely caught it. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"You read?"

"Yeah, so? Theres nothing wrong with that." he said defensively. "Wait, how do you know that its a writing website."

I shrugged."I sometimes read on there." Meanwhile, Alex was staring between the two of us in anger. He sat himself in the spot next to me with a huff of annoyance.

"Oh really now?" Logan looked slightly surprised by my comment but didn't press further. I got up from the couch, giving both the guys a hard look.

"I'll be back in ten minutes. Don't claw off each others heads. When I come back and you two are still fighting, I'm going to call Blake." This time, I connected my eyes with Alex's. His stance visibly tensed. With my threat lingering in the air, I walked out of the room. While going up the stairs to my room, I bumped into Angelica.

"Whats with the commotion downstairs? I heard a lot of yelling." In her hands was a blue mug. With her index finger, she pushed back up her glasses.

I smirked."Just Alex and some guy that I nearly ran over. I told them to be nice to each other and ditched them in the room together."

Her eyes filled with amusement."You actually got Alex to participate?"

"Well, I may have threatened him that I would call Blake and tell him to come over." I smiled innocently at her.

"No way." Her jaw dropped."You know that he hates him."

I smirked bemused."Exactly." She chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

"Typical Kay." I winked at her before continuing my way up to the stairs.

Going into my room I flopped back down on my bed. Pulling my laptop towards me, I signed back onto Wattpad. Checking to see if HauntedDreamer had uploaded yet. When I saw that he still hadn't I sighed in frustration. Sheesh he takes a long time to upload. Not bothering to turn off my laptop, I just left it there. Closing my eyes, I leaned back into my mattress. I was just not he verge of falling asleep when I heard my door being opened. Caught off guard, I bolted up and whipped out my gun and clicked off the safety. My I slowly felt more awake again, I saw that I had aimed my gun a a very pale looking Logan. Lowering my gun, I stared at him expectantly.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

Color had slowly returned back to his face when he saw me put the gun back down."I was just wandering around I kinda just came in here by accident."

"I'm guessing that you and Alex made up?"

His reply was a curt nod. His eyes flickered around my room before they settled on my laptop. Shuffling closer to my computer, his eyes widened in recognition.

My own eyes flickered back to my laptop wondering what was so interesting about it. Then I saw that my wattpad page was still pulled up to HauntedDreamer's story. Quickly slamming my laptop closed, I saw that Logan was staring at me wide-eyed.

"What?" I said defensively."I already said that I sometimes read on Wattpad."

He shook his head, black hair covering some of his eye."Thats not it. I just wasn't expecting you to be reading my story."

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