Chapter: Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Darling..." Loki's voice through my ears and I shot open my eyes. I gripped my chest and felt the slight bruising of the previous blast that had hit me. I rolled over and struggled to get to my knees, my hand rested on the gravel beneath me to steady myself. The blast had been painful, but the Tesseract had absorbed most of the impact. "Come to me," Against my better judgement, I stood up and walked towards Loki's voice. The gravel, feeling like Lego's under my feet, though it was dulled out as Loki kept calling to me. Jumping off the higher balcony I reached the lower one with a telekinetic landing to brace my fall. Loki wore the same armor I saw him materialize in Germany and extended his hand to me. I gave him mine with no hesitation. Looking behind him, I noticed the broken glass of the balcony, I didn't question it even though I was concerned.

"You made all of this happen," The world was being taken over, the buildings were being destroyed and the ground was covered in debris with screaming civilians. He gestured to the army that he had raining down, the reptilian warrior race. A hybrid between organic beings and machines, The Chitauri.

"When we are done here, then what?" I took a breath, glancing at the streets once more. "What will happen?" My eyes flashed blue and I turned to Loki, rubbing my eyes.

"He wants it for himself, you shall not be harmed though, we have a bargain," Loki looked to me a flash of concern crossed his eyes. The firing of weapons that caused explosions drew my attention, the screams that followed could be heard from the top floor of the tower. Tony, Steve, Pepper, Bruce, Natasha, Clint... I cared about them, and I didn't want them to be hurt. Yet they were fighting this, they were the only ones who could stop this. Except Pepper, and I hope she was safe somewhere far from here.

"My king..." I mumbled, Loki looked to me and I continued. "May I go assist some of the stragglers?" Loki almost chuckled as he nodded, moving a strand of my hair behind my ears. I forced a smile and moved to the edge of the building stepping off the safety of the solid ground my feet were again covered in my energy. My arms extended and I felt the wind flow through my unkempt hair. I focused on the streets below and teleported down, inserting myself into what was a battle field. Making my way down the streets, against my will I used my power to create chaos. Lifting cars and throwing them, stepping over bodies of the deceased that had been shot. Those who ran almost stopped to see me lift up a fallen bus and tear it to pieces with the bending of my fingers. Lifting one half of the bus I sent it in front of a crowd of people who had wanted to escape the Chitauri. I smirked and stepped towards the group. Stop please, I'll do anything, just no more death. Please.

"Like I said last time child, you have no say in what I do with the powers now," I screamed out loudly and forced myself to teleport to the next street over and fell to my knee, my hair falling into my eyes.

"Hey girl! You better move!" A man's voice yelled to me, footsteps hit the pavement hard and fast moving towards me. I looked up just in time to see him grab my wrist. His eyes showed he recognized me, he was in a nice suit and tie that seemed vaguely familiar. "I know you. Your Alec's girl aren't you?" He helped me up against my will, wrapping his arms around me. Taking off his suits coat and laying it over my body. "Have you seen Alec? I've called him multiple times," My breath started to pick up, and I was starting to lose my grip on reality. Should I kill him like Alec? Snap his neck?

"You should be running..." I muttered and he saw the wisps began to form on my body. He realized then I wasn't normal, never have been. He stepped away from me and I opened my palm, sending him back into the bus I had split in half. He fell to the ground harshly and struggled to get up.

"Miss Stark?!" He yelled to me, but I sent him into the bus again.

"I shall end this mortal's life like I did his brothers..." I voiced to him, I didn't want to make the tally rise. "Why, because you are upset you weren't able to save everyone you honestly cared about? That boy Jacob. Your father. That agent Alec. This man? You let them all die because you are weak. A weak minded, a weak hearted, with no strength to back up the way she lives child. I see the way they looked to you, they are afraid for you, that you will end up dying. Just like that boy did, you let him walk away with that police officer. You let him get slammed onto the hood of a car by the blast of a robot. You allowed him to die, you let him die. Just as you will let everyone you love, Die."

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