Chapter: Thirteen

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                We had been moving on through the destroyed streets and I kept a close look on Jacob as he would go a few yards ahead of me calling out to his mom. It made me think of my own, who dad never talked about, he didn't even have a picture of her for me. My mind was brought back to the two of us when Jacob came racing back over to me racing on about the drones. I pushed him behind me and I gripped his hand firmly so I wouldn't lose him.

"What were the drones doing?" I mumbled and pulled him with me as we made our way to an alley to hopefully miss the drones.

"They were blinking and made beeping sounds," My eyes widened and I had momentarily forgotten about the Jacob until he pulled on my arm. "Jaedyn..." I had began to hear the beeping increase, we were out of time. I picked the boy up ignoring my hands pain that had started to come back slowly and I ran deeper into the alley to get away. When we reached a good spot in the alley that was away from the drones I pulled Jacob against the wall and knelt down in front of him.

"It's gonna be loud but I need you to stay here with me and cover your head with your arms. Don't worry though everything's gonna be fine. There like fireworks, but these are not fun ones." Slowly Jacob did as he was told and I pulled him into my arms and shielded him with my body as the startling sound of the beeping stopped right before the bombs- I mean drones went off.

The sound was deafening and the ground beneath the two of us began to shake from the shock. I could hear the blasts echoing through out the city. There was going to be so much damage done and I knew the one person who was the cause of this, and it was not dad. I was afraid to move from the spot I was in, more important I could feel the young boy shaking as I held him. He tucked himself deeper into my shirt hiding his eyes from the dust that had rose from the rubble. I had thought he was going to scream but he didn't and I released him only for a split second to check on him. He seemed fine but I couldn't always tell.

"We're fine," I forced a smile and smoothed his blonde hair against his head. He wasn't smiling, and though I had one on my lips I was not happy on the inside. I was so scared, there was going to be so much backlash with this, and no doubt there was going to be news reporters and cameras. Dad and I were going to get blamed, I wouldn't be surprised if that happened again. But if Stern tried to take me away from dad now, I would flip. Quickly I shook my head focusing on the now and getting Jacob to safety then finding dad. Hopefully he was safe, Pepper, Happy and Natalie as well. I just needed to know that everyone I knew was safe in this mess.

"Miss!" I turned quickly seeing a man coming down the alley, I pushed Jacob out of site and hid myself away from him the best I could. Searching for something to attack the guy with I was disappointed when there was nothing around me. So I lowered myself to the ground, waiting. His steps crept forward until I saw his feet, that's when I acted. I shot up quickly and punched his nose and as he went to grip his nose I took his hand and brought it behind his back, forcing him to against the wall, hard. I heard him gasp shocked, but when he started to struggle I pushed his arm up farther up his back. Inching closer and closer to dislocating his shoulder.

"NYPD." He stated and I quickly lowered my hand, keeping a firm grip. I wasn't going to take my chances that these were Ivan's goons in costumes. "My name is Officer Walker, I'm just here to help."

"Jaedyn stop, your hurting the cop!" Jacob yelled to me, coming into the dim light. I sighed shaking my head and releasing the man. I sighed relieved when I saw the badge and the tag, Officer Walker.

"My name is-" I began but was cut off abruptly.

"Jaedyn Stark, yeah I recognize you. Whose the kid?" He asked, a gun drawn in his hand.

"I'm Ja-" I covered his mouth quickly and he looked up to me seeing that I was keeping him safe.

"I'm helping Jacob find his mom, they got separated," The officer nodded and as he came closer I was able to see his face. Chiseled features, dark hair and green eyes. "Could you help us Officer Walker?" He gripped his bloody nose and chuckled shortly.

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