Start from the beginning

Worry raced down Max's spine. He'd never given thought to how they were getting the device or who would suffer along the way.

Vincent glanced at Max and put a finger to his lips. "Relax, it's not what you think," he said, and then turned back to the other guard. "We've come too far to turn back."

Jamie jumped out of the van.

The guard drew his gun. "Miss, please get back in the vehicle." The second guard drew his gun, pointing it at Vincent, who didn't seem the least bit disturbed.

Jamie focused on the nearest guard. He looked confused. His eyelids grew heavy. Then he eased the gun back in his holster.

The second guard kept his gun on Vincent while moving around for a better view. "Jack, what are you doing?" Panic crept into the guard's voice.

The remaining guard holstered his gun as well after one look in Jamie's eyes. They both appeared to sleepwalk back to the guardhouse and pick up the intercom. "We have a delivery for Doctor Tsang." He clicked off, and then raised the gate.

Max breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing else, at least this was going to end without a rising body count.

Then both guards cried out, bodies squeezed as if they were being crushed within an invisible fist. They fell to the ground.

Max lunged, grabbing Vincent. "What are you doing? They're not a threat."

Vincent looked at him like he was deranged. "They're fine, just unconscious," he said, disengaging Max's hands and climbing out. "Can't worry about what's behind us." He propped the bodies up in the guardhouse. "I'm trying to do this with minimal damage. We really are the good guys. But no one's going to just hand us our lives. We have to take them. Or did you not notice that on the train?"

Max satisfied himself that both guards were subdued rather than dead. Maybe there were no good guys to be found here. Reluctantly climbing back on board, he felt each step closer turned the trio farther apart. Vincent must have seen it.

"I'm not after bloodshed. No one gets hurt unless they strike first. But we can't stop," Vincent said.

They rumbled forward toward the monolithic compound and arrived in the lit circular driveway. The main structure was three stories, but went back a far distance. It was white, with dark slivered windows. A well-cultivated desert garden stood before a sign – ARIZONA WEATHER LABS. Two more guards sat by a security desk.

As the van neared the entrance, the elevator bank opened. A portly Chinese man in his late fifties with graying temples and gold-rimmed glasses approached the desk.

Vincent and Jamie jumped out. Max followed. Inside, the guards stared curiously at Vincent as he approached the doors. Then both guards convulsed as they were gripped by his vise hold. Like a triumphant general returning home, Vincent swept through the doorway beside Jamie.

Max raced through the entrance on his heels to make sure no more damage took place.

All eyes turned toward the doctor running for the emergency exit on the far side of the lobby.

Doctor Tsang never made it. He stood frozen in place. Vincent somehow paralyzed all muscle function in the terrified man mid-stride.

Max checked on the two unconscious guards behind the desk. Their pulses were weak. "You nearly killed them."

Vincent stared back coolly. "They'll live. More than Noah." Then he strode over to Doctor Tsang. "I have no interest in harming you. While the rest of your body is paralyzed, the muscles controlling your eyes still function. Blink once if you understand," Vincent said.

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