Complications Ch. 12.3

Start from the beginning

Anger welled in her and without thinking, she blasted the glass screen. The energy spattered uselessly into a million sparks. 

The men looked at her in smug amusement. One said something to the other who walked over to the screen. 

She glared at him and pounded on the screen.  She didn't hear the soft 'thock' of the tranquilizer gun, but she couldn't ignore the pin-prick of the striking dart.  Too late she pulled it from her side and slid to the ground. 

Remember Dr. Dewey's talk about my powers. Counteract this stuff.


"We've searched every science building on the campus and not a sign of Hermann's lab," Rile said. He walked the perimeter of the roof for the tenth time.

"He must have one. We're fortunate it's Sunday and no one's around." Gabe scanned over the campus.  "There's someone in a white coat."

"He's heading into this building. We haven't checked it since it's marked 'Utility'." Rile dug his claws into the concrete wall and climbed down the side of the building.

At the last instant, Rile dropped the last ten feet. He caught the edge of the door with a single claw, a split second before it shut. The white-coated man never looked back.

Rile motioned for his brother to hurry and follow him.  Once inside, they faced an enormous maze of hallways.

"Do we split up?" Rile looked eager to explore.

"No. We stay together and that's final. I'm in no mood to argue and in even less of a mood to lose another brother," Gabe said.

They passed the same labs that Alex had found uninteresting on her tour.

"Over here." Gabe's whisper was urgent.  "This is the one."  He ran his fingers over the armored door.  "I can barely see through this safety glass, but this is the grandfather of all labs. This is a digital lock."

"Yeah, yeah." Rile withdrew his staff. "Give me a second."

"Brute force won't work against a digital lock." Gabe grabbed Rile's wrist before he could smash the lock. "I hate to admit it, but we need Robert's help."

"Not that jerk." Rile took a deep breath, then, before Gabe could stop him, crushed the lock with his staff. 

Bits of plastic and steel flew in all directions. A low wail built up to a deafening shriek.

"Alarm. Good job, genius." Gabe tugged on the door. "And it's still locked."

Running footsteps echoed down the hall.  Gabe took off, Rile in close pursuit. They skidded around a corner, only to see someone pushing a cart. Rile yanked Gabe through a fire escape door.

"Do you never watch TV?" Rile whispered furiously. "Do you not know what an exit is?"

The alarm from the fire door shrieked, boosting their mad dash across the green university lawn and into the concrete alley.

"Now I suppose we beg for help," Rile complained.

"Since your plan turned out so well," Gabe fixed him with a stern look. "We know Robert works here, but we don't know where he lives."

"I do." Rile couldn't help but look smug. "Amazing what a girl will tell you during It Came From Outer Space, isn't it?" His brother's annoyed expression fueled his satisfaction. "Did you not know that we watched old movies together? Or that she tells me things she doesn't tell you?"

"Shut up. You haven't had time to watch a movie with Alex. To Robert's."

"Not the past few nights but we still do. And she still tells me things she doesn't tell you." Rile flicked his tongue out at him.

The Vigilante & The Dragon - Book 1 of the Guardians Saga [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now