Kol Saves the Day

Start from the beginning

“Close your eyes angel!”

“Kol…?” I questioned, my voice practically gone.

“Close Your Eyes!” I did as I was told and the hands on me were suddenly gone, there were a few brief screams and then nothing, no noise from anywhere, though I stayed still, falling to my butt and waiting for another moment before feeling a hand in mine. “Keep your eyes closed angel, the next time you open them you will see your daddy, okay? I’m going to get you home and cleaned up. Just hold onto me.” I was lifted into the air and I locked my legs and arms around this vampire, knowing he wouldn’t let anything hurt me again. I felt wind all around me and knew uncle Kol was running and though I wanted to rest my head I didn’t dare put it down as I knew I was covered in blood and jizz. The wind suddenly stopped and I heard the front door to our house open. “Nik!” Kol yelled but there was no answer. “Bekah! Elijah! Anyone!” Nothing. “Looks like it’s me that’s cleaning you up angel. Keep your eyes closed for me, okay? I don’t want you to see any more than you have today. Promise me. You never break a promise right?” I nodded.

“I promise I won’t look until you say I can.” I croaked out and I could hear him hiss.

“God I want to kill those boys!” He growled and I gasped.

“They’re not dead!? Uncle Kol! Why-“

“I left them for your daddy. He’s going to want that honor, don’t you think?” I paused but nodded, knowing he is right. “That’s why it took me a minute to get back to you, I had to make 2 trips to lock them in the basement. I promise you’re safe, even if they got out I wouldn’t let them near you again.”

“Thank you.” I whispered, feeling tears spilling down my face quickly.

“Oh, don’t cry angel, it’s all going to be okay. Stay right here, don’t move, I need to change quickly before I can get you cleaned up.” He sat me on what felt like a bed and I kept my eyes shut as I heard him walking around the room and changing. “Alright. I’m going to get these disgusting clothes off of you and get you into a bathtub so I can wash you up. Keep your eyes closed still, alright?” I nodded, knowing I could trust my daddy’s brother with my life. Kol was my friend, he wouldn’t do anything to harm me. I allowed him to walk me down the hall towards where I knew daddy’s room was and take me into our bathroom. I felt him taking off my torn open shirt removing my bra as well, followed by my shoes, pants and panties, lifting me and setting me into the tub.

“Is daddy gonna be mad at me?” I asked and Kol’s movements stopped all together.

“Why in god’s name would you think that? You did nothing wrong-“

“I couldn’t fight them off…I should have tried harder but I was so scared…” I heard the water start and Kol sigh.

“Angel, no one in their right mind would ever think less of you for not being able to fight off 4 boys, they may have been about your age but they were larger than you and all muscle, looked like they might have been wrestlers or something. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m a vampire, I wouldn’t have won a fight against them. Your daddy is not going to think less of you. You tried to get away and let me guess, they threatened you?” I nodded. “You were scared, you did your best, that’s all that you can do, don’t think less of yourself alright?”

“Thank you Uncle Kol…you saved my life today. You don’t have to clean me up you know, I’ll do it-“

“No, you’ve seen enough for one day, you don’t need to see what you look like right now. Please let me spare you of that?” I nodded, keeping my eyes shut as he began hosing me down with the shower wand. “Okay, pomegranate or mango shampoo?” He asked and I smiled.

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