Chapter 21

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Right now, as I'm quietly sneaking through the school's hallways, I'm missing my bow and arrows. My fingers twitch with the longing of wanting an arrow drawn back, prepared to shoot the Alpha if I see him. I retrace my steps of the way that we came in and find myself there in a matter of minutes. The chain cutters are still in place.

The Alpha is probably still chasing after Scott and Stiles to be worried about me. As quietly as possible, I pull the cutters out of the door handles and set them on the floor. I peer out of the window, but I can't see his body. I push the door open just enough for me to slide out.

The window of opportunity to get to Derek safer is most likely getting smaller and smaller by the second. Looking from side to side to make sure the coast is clear, before running back to the cars. A pool of blood from where Derek originally laid is the only thing left. Where is Derek?

Did he muster enough energy to get away? Or did the Alpha drag him off? No, I will not think like that. Derek is fine. He has to be.

A growl from behind me makes me jump. I slowly turn around, only to find the Alpha perched on top of the roof. There's no way I will be fast enough to get out of here and call the police. I may be fast enough to get in the school.

Not giving the Alpha any clue at what I'm about to do, I break out in a run. From my peripheral vision, I see the Alpha run across the roof. The sound of him landing on the ground behind me urges me to run even faster. I bound up the stairs, slide across the school's floor, and quickly jam the cutters back in place. The Alpha slams into the doors and the impact throws me to the floor.

Scrambling to my feet, I run in the opposite direction of the psychotic werewolf. I never wished I had my bow before so much in my life. My fingers keep twitching for the wanting to hold my bow. I wouldn't mind being alone if I had it with me. The fact that I am alone without it is rather terrifying. I have nothing to protect myself with. Derek was right. I would give anything to have him say that to me again.

A fowl stench reaches my nose as I run down a new hallway. My foot slips in something went on the floor and I crash on the hard floor. A groan emits from my lips from the harsh landing. Whatever was on the floor soaks into the sleeve of on my left arm. I sit up, nearly gagging when I see my arm covered in blood. Oh my god.

Blood is covering more than half of the hallway. The lockers are splattered with blood with a few bloody handprints smeared in random areas. Oh, god. Was this Scott or Stiles? Did the Alpha find them? I know I slapped Stiles earlier, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried about his safety. He was just pissing me off.

I pull my sweater off, not wanting the blood to touch me anymore than it already has. I drop it on the floor. "Scott?" I whisper. He does have super hearing, which mean there's a chance that he can hear me.

I continue on down the hall, carefully choosing where I step. I don't know who's blood this is, but it's everywhere. The lockers are even splattered with it. My fingers twitch for an arrow. I need my bow. My left foot leaves imprints of the bottom of my shoe as I walk. Gross.

"Scott?" I whisper again.

A locker opens a few feet away and a janitor's body flops out. His body crumples to the floor, slashes ran up his chest. My scream echoes throughout the hallway as I stare at the dead body. Oh my god, oh my god.

I jump over the body and run as if my life depends on it- which it does. My sneakers pound on the floor, the only sound in the empty hallway. I thought I would be better off on my own and I was wrong. If I had my bow, things would be different. A loud crash echoes from another hallway and I push myself to run faster.

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