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"you are worth so much more than calories and kilograms and a gap between your legs.", he got told.

and so he tried his hardest,
to look into the mirror,
to look perfect,
but still,

he just wasnt good enough.


park jimin could have lost all of the weight in the world, and he still wouldn't be skinny enough.

park jimin could have been told by every living soul that he was underweight, and he still wouldnt be skinny enough.

park jimin fought against his mind, whilst his body fought all by itself, holding onto what fat it had. so he didnt care if his organs began shutting down, he didnt care that he was always feeling cold, because he was on a mission to take up the smallest place on the world, because nothing else mattered, because,
he still, just wouldnt be skinny enough.

but when min yoongi came along, jimin soon realised, maybe, just maybe,

he was finally good enough.


all rights reserved

no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, without the prior permission of the publisher.

this book is fictional and any similarities between the storyline and real life events and/or other books and novels is clearly coincidental. all characters are put into place for their name as a fictional character and is in no way to offend these people as human beings.

coming soon

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