Olaf the Dwarf

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Flashback to about 2014 or so. My first D&D Campaign. I am a half-elf ranger with an elf fighter half-brother. We are off on an adventurer, the DM tells us to make one up. I say "We are off to find....O....Ol...Olaf the Dwarf! He's uhhhhh aaaaaa Dwarven Blacksmith!" My "Half-Brother" agrees to this idea and we start our quest. We never DID find Olaf but it became a new gag for our groups from campaign to campaign. 

Flashforward about 4-5 months. New campaign. We are playing either 3.5 or pathfinders (I truly can't recall..) and I make a Dwarven Rogue, focusing ALL of my skill points on forgery, and a homebrew skill we made called "Craft Construct". I buy a log, a pony (a story for another day), a cart, and a few other trinkets of no true use. I name this Dwarf. His name. Olaf Stronghammer. A mighty smith of legend.

Flash forward a year or so. I make my first campaign. one of the first NPCs is a Dwarven Blacksmith, an older fella too. His name? Olaf Stronghammer the 3rd. 

Flash forward about half a year, I make another campaign with an unused NPC named Olaf Stronghammer the 7th.

2 months later I make a new campaign with characters the players have to choose from, 1 from each non-homebrew species, and 2 or 3 homebrew species. The Dwarf? Olaf StrongHammer the 2nd.

Basically throwing in Dwarves has always been a hobby in the early days. One I only recently grew out of.

Moral of the story? Don't make yourself pick a favorite species, especially as a DM, try to vary time to time. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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