The Witchfinder

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A/N: So, we're skipping ahead to The Witchfinder because I have some nice thoughts for it.Morgana is the best to write because in my headcanon, she's just the product of fear gone manic. But, I HAVE NOT SEEN PAST THE CRYSTAL CAVE SO NO SPOILERS! Well, I'll probably watch that tonight.Here's one of actual nice length that doesn't make me feel guilty:

"Morgana, I've done something incredibly stupid." Oh, God, don't you have any sense? Check to see-okay, no one else is in the hall.

"One day, I'm going to strangle you just for saying that sentence."

"I got bored, amd started fooling around...with magic."

"Damn it, Merlin, how the hell do you survive a week in this castle?"

"I was just shaping the smoke, and I did check, but a village woman behind me saw it and reported it to Uther."

"Don't you think that might look suspicious? Your coincidental presence there when no one else was around?"

"Morgana, Uther has ordered a witch hunter be brought in. He will arrive in Camelot by tonight."

"What have you done?"

"I've signed my death warrant. You're Uther's ward, he-"

"Yes, he will, Merlin. I've seen him turn on those he once claimed to love, my entire life I've looked out this window only to see death. If it was Arthur, things would be different. He's his only son."

"Uther couldn't bear to have anything happen to you."

"I almost killed Uther once. We went to see my father's grave. I told the guards to let us be, and I had the sword in my hand. And he started telling me about my father, and I thought, I can't do this. Not to one my father knew. But I wanted to, Merlin. He didn't know why I truly sobbed. I cried because I couldn't kill him. I disowned him before that, for killing Gwen's father. He put me in chains. He does not care." Somehow, the confession makes me lighter.

"I know. I was there, I was told to let events play out, but I couldn't. Luckily, you didn't give me reason to stop you."

"But I told no one." He knew of my intentions, and still did not mean to harm me? Even still, he talks to me civilly.

"I heard you speaking with your helper. It's ridiculously easy for a servant to sneak around this castle."

"And you don' t still hate me?" My voice holds the quality of one about to dissolve into tears, and I despise it.

"You couldn't kill him. We've all wished ill on Uther, and I wait every day for it.  I don't necessarily want him killed per se, but I would rest more at ease if Arthur were king."

"Merllin, you wen't raised the way we have been. Uther fears magic, he has ensured it is instilled in Arhur's brain that magic is inherently evil."

"He won't turn you over."

"What do we do, Merlin?"

"Be careful. Don't get caught." His smile has returned, and he turns to leave.


"Maybe next time you should just tell me when to leave, as I keep getting the timing off." I force  a laugh, but drop the smile quickly.

"Be careful."

Uther has convened the court for a report from the witch hunter. Every  bone in my body has become tense, and Gwen asked me earlier if I needed to be taken to Gaius. This cannot wait, though, both my life and Merlin's are at stake.  Quite literally. I just made a joke of my own death. Since when have I been this morbid?

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