When I First Met You

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AN: This chapter was requested by @samm_ee. She requested a Denis Stoff fan fiction and I already this idea. Anyway, she requested that the story begin with Denis still in Down and Dirty, which is why he's not in Asking Alexandria yet in this chapter and the next few. Hope you guys like it!

Song: You Had Me At Hello by A Day To Remember


"You're coming to the show with me and that's final," Alexa exclaimed. She had been trying to convince me to go see Down and Dirty with her for weeks. She had been friends with their lead singer, Denis, for awhile. They had met while the band was here in California for awhile on tour. She had invited them to a party she had thrown and they had totally hit it off.

Even though I did kind of want to go, I was exhausted. I was a model and while that may sound easy, I had been super busy lately. My career was really booming and my agent, Clara, who had become a close friend of mine, made me take pretty much any job I was offered. I knew she just wanted me to succeed, but being forced to run from shoot to shoot was very tiring.

"I'm really tired, Lex. I just want to sleep," I argued. The show started in less than two hours. If I went I would have to get ready and the only thing I wanted to get ready for was bed.

"It'll be fun, Ally," she insisted. She was right, it probably would be fun, but at that moment the only thing that sounded fun was sleeping. I had had three different shoots today, each were a couple hours long. My body felt a bit sore from all the awkward poses they had had me in. The pictures might look great, but they didn't feel great.

"Fine," I said, giving in. I rolled my eyes, but stood up from my place on my bed. I knew I wasn't going to win this fight and I guess it wouldn't hurt to go have a social life once in awhile.

"Yay!" she squealed. I made my way to my closet, ignoring her girly actions. Compared to me, Alexa was way more feminine. You might think that just because I was a model that I'd be into all the girly things like makeup and nail polish, but I wasn't. When I wasn't doing a shoot, I didn't bother going all out with eyeshadow and lipstick. I liked to keep it simple. On the other hand Alexa was always trying out new makeup techniques and nail designs. We were practically polar opposites, but somehow were still best friends.

After throwing on a slightly oversized t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, I was dragged out of the apartment by Alexa. In the car, she played Bring Me The Horizon, a personal favorite of both of ours, at full blast. She explained to me that Denis had told her to get to the show early so they could hang out, so there was no time to waste. When she first told me about Denis about a year ago, I had assumed they would end up dating, but their relationship was just a platonic as ours.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the venue to see Denis conversing with Vic from Pierce The Veil, who Down and Dirty were opening for, outside a fenced in parking lot that held the tour buses. Ally parked the car, obviously excited to see her friend again. I had never actually met Denis. It always seemed that when the band rolled into town I was way too busy with shoots. Needless to say, this made me pretty happy to finally meet him. When we walked up to the building, a line had already formed. A guy about half to the door let out a whistle as we walked by. "Hey sexy!" he called out, causing my cheeks to become hot. I got cat called a lot. It was the one down fall of being a good looking girl. Just like most other women, I absolutely hated the comments. Alexa just rolled her eyes as we strolled along and finally made it to her friend.

"Alexa!" Denis exclaimed, his voice thick with an unrecognizable accent. If Alexa hadn't told me he was from the Ukraine I would have never guessed. As he wrapped my best friend in a tight hug, I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. His skin was perfectly tan. He had eyes that anyone could get lost in. His arms were cover in tattoos. A ring was stuck in one nostril. His chocolatey hair was perfectly messy. The way his skinny jeans hugged his legs was distracting. If anyone here should be getting cat called, it definitely should have been him.

I was so distracted by his good looks that I almost missed Alexa introducing me to him. "Denis, this is Ally," I faintly heard Alexa say, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"It's nice to meet you," he told me with a killer smile. I had never thought that an Ukrainian accent could be so sexy, but in that moment, he was the only one I wanted to hear talk.

"Nice to meet you, too," I responded, trying to hide how dazed his presence was making me. It was like he had me hypnotized or something. I had never once had the same feeling.

Him and Alexa talked for a few moments, but I was so lost in those eyes that I could only half listen. After a little bit, someone poked their head out of the venue and announced that Denis was needed for soundcheck and we followed him obediently into the decrepit building. It seemed like every concert venue in our area was falling apart for some reason. Back when I was still in high school, I used to go to a lot of shows and noticed all the buildings were pretty run down. We entered through the backstage entrance, Denis showing his all access pass to the security guard. He soon abandoned us in the middle of the large floor that would soon be filled with fans for his spot at his microphone. Even though the soundcheck wasn't all that interesting, I found my eyes fixated on the singer.

"I'm so excited that you two finally got to meet," Alexa told me as the band's guitarist played some riff. I was finally able to tear my eyes away from Denis to look at my best friend. "He's awesome, isn't he?" she added. I was about to reply when the instruments got louder. Instead I just nodded and she sent me a grin.

I found myself staring at Denis their whole soundcheck. After about fifteen minutes, his perfect eyes locked on mine. I quickly looked away as my cheeks turned hot. When I finally had the courage to look back, his eyes were still on me. He gave me a smile that my made my stomach do a flip-flop.

I guess everything was in order and sounded good because soon the band had left the stage and Denis was standing next to us once again. He was about to say something when my phone let out a buzz. When I pulled it out of my pocket, I saw that Clara was calling. This was pretty much the story of my life. Even when I had time off, Clara would still call me about whatever shoot she had just lined up. "Sorry, I have to take this," I told Denis and Alexa apologetically. All I really wanted to do right then was talk to Denis and find out what story lay behind those beautiful features, but of course my job had to get in the way.

"Hey, Al. I just wanted to let you know I jus lined up a shoot for next Tuesday," she greeted. That was pretty much how all of our phone conversations went.

"Ok. I'll see you on Monday," I responded. Usually I would've found out what I would be doing at the shoot, but all I wanted was to get back to Denis, who I could tell was eyeing me from a few feet away.

"Sounds good. I'll tell you more about the shoot then," she told me. She barely even asked me anymore if I wanted to do all these jobs. Even though she was a friend and I knew she just wanted the best for me, I would have liked to be informed about things before they were final.

When I spun around, I could see Denis' eyes on me and I couldn't help but hope that he thought I was attractive as I thought he was.

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