A License to Sin

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AN: Hello everyone! I am really sorry about not updating any of my stories. It's been a crazy school year for me. I was going to my high school half of the day and the local community college the other half of the day, so I had a ton of work. My English teacher gave us so much work to do. She would expect us to read a book in a week or two. With all my school work I just didn't have time to update. Then, my grandfather got really sick during the winter (he's recovering now for anyone who is wondering), so I was in charge of getting my grandmother to the hospital to see him and if you knew my grandmother, you would know how time consuming that was. When he was recovering from his first surgery, my great grandmother got sick and passed away. Most of my winter was spend driving to and from the hospital and visiting everyone in there. Then, there was a ton of senior stuff for my high school (meetings, graduation prep, senior research paper, etc). Also, I have an Etsy store (check out the link if you're interested, almost everything is band-themed and I try to keep prices down) and I had to make time to fill orders. I really just didn't have the time this year and I was a little short on inspiration. This is one of my least favorite stories that I'm writing, so I kept putting it off. I have a really good idea now for what is to come for Liz and Ricky, though, so I'm hoping to update more often. I'm also hoping to be able to write my other stories more often now that school is out. I hadn't realized that I didn't update for almost a year with all this stuff going on. Again, I'm really sorry. Also, this story is dedicated to @dhampir123 for leaving a nice comment on the last chapter.

Song: Just A Slave to Rock and Roll by Asking Alexandria


After watching Down and Dirty play an amazing show, we headed back to their tour bus. Alexa had of course agree to the party, but they wanted to wait until the rest of the bands were done playing so the whole tour could go together. They said someone from their label was throwing the party and that was how they had been invited even though they weren't from the area. As soon as the bus door was open, they started breaking out the whiskey.

"You want a shot?" Denis asked me. To be honest, he had been paying more attention to me that night than his own friend. I was fine with that though. He was a really cool guy and I would love to get to know him better.

"Nah, I'll wait until we get to the party," I answered. He gave me a look that read 'are you sure?' "I try not to drink so much because of all the calories in alcohol," I explained.

"Got it," he responded, with a nod. He continued to poor out the Jack Daniels and started handing them out to everyone. "That must suck, though. I always thought modeling would be easy but if you have to watch your drinking that sucks," he added looking down at me as he poured the last shot.

I let out a laugh. "Yeah, modeling's a lot harder than most people think it is. You should try to get in some of these positions they want me to do. It's like a work out in itself and then I gotta actually work out to make sure my weight stays down," I informed him. Half the time I woke up the morning after a shoot with aches and pains all over my body, but no matter how bad I hurt I was always out there for my morning jog.

"I think I'll stick with being in a band then," he told me, only half joking. For anyone musically inclined, being in a band seemed like the easier job possible. All they had to do was do a short soundcheck and play a half hour to hour set. Then they got back on their comfy tour bus and got drunk. The only downside was that they were always away.

At around eleven o'clock, all the bands were done their sets and we started heading over to the party. By this time, everyone on Down and Dirty's bus had had at least two or three drinks besides me. "Do you ever get totally wasted?" Denis asked curiously. The alcohol hadn't quite affected him that much yet, which I was happy about. I didn't want my only time with him to get interrupted by some whisky.

"Every once in a while," I answered. I was usually the designated driver when I went out with my friends. Everyone knew I had to watch my weight even though I was a size one.

"Can tonight be your 'once in a while'?" he asked hopefully. He had a shot in his hand that was obviously for me if I agreed. It had been a long time since I had gotten really drunk and I had been working really hard lately, so I totally deserved a night to just let go. I could just eat a bunch of vegetables tomorrow to make up for it, right?

"Fuck it, why not? Give me that," I answered, taking the alcohol out of his tan fingers. I was just hoping I could go a night without doing anything I might regret.


A few hours had passed since we had arrived at the party and the drinks had been flowing. I knew I should have stopped after a few drinks, but I had told Denis I would get wasted and I wasn't one to go back on my word. Denis had led me out of the house the party was being held at. "It's so loud in there," I commented as a we walked along the sidewalk. While I wasn't drunk enough yet to be unaware of what I was doing, I had still surpassed tipsy. I wasn't in a state where I would do something stupid, but most of my common sense had left my mind.

After a few more steps, I missed an abandoned toy that had been left on the sidewalk and went tumbling into the perfectly green grass. For some reason, I thought this was the most hilarious thing ever and I burst out laughing as I hit the dirt. Denis, who had made it around the toy, plopped down on the grass, laughing his ass off. We were just laughing and rolling around in this random family's grass until my stomach started to hurt.

"You looked so funny when you were falling," he gasped as his laughing started to slow down and his breathing began to return to normal. His laugh was adorable and so was his smile.

We lay there gasping for air for at least ten minutes until both of us had calmed ourselves down. He then turned his body so he could look at me better. He was still holding his stomach as if he thought it might detach itself from his body. "You're really pretty, Ally," he told me. My drunk self seemed to disregard the fact that my job was based off of my outward appearance because I remember thinking he was so sweat for telling me that.

Before I could respond, someone called out his name. We looked up to see one of his bandmates down the street from where I had taken my fall. "Bus call," he explained loud enough for us to hear. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see it was already almost three o'clock, which meant the bands needed to get ready to leave for the next city. We all piled back on the bus and took seats. Someone broke out the whisky again and we continued our party as the bus rolled along. The driver agreed to take Alexa and I home since we were far too drunk to drive.

"Hey! I never got your number, Ally!" Denis exclaimed as we pulled onto the street our apartment building was on. As we exchanged our phones so we could both enter our digits in the other's cell phone, I could help but think how amazing the night had been. I had finally let go and even made a new friend.

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