
825 27 7

warning AU

all rights go to Hiro Mashima

The strands of her scarlet hair clung to her neck, bonded together by sweat. He watched slightly amused as she flicked her fierce locks past her shoulder. Some might of called his actions stalking, but he preferred "observing", sure he might have been "observing" her for a few weeks, and sure he might have planned to ask her out sometime, but that didn't mean he loved her, hell he barely knew her.

He pulled out his phone, checking his reflection before approaching her, a handsome but daring smile plastered across his face.

"Excuse me miss." he spoke smoothly, effectively capturing her attention, grasping her hand in one of his own, bringing it towards his mouth and just grazing the top of her knuckles with his lips.

"It would be a pleasure if I could take you out sometime." he whispered in what had sounded like a low baritone voice, he tilted his head upwards just to observe her reaction, a smirk started to form on his lips. She wore a mask of what might have been confusion, but it was soon replaced with a smirk, much like his own, the corners of her mouth puling upwards.

"Pft. How cheesy." she whispered before brushing past him. He had almost missed the amusement in her tone, and stared at her, slowly narrowing his eyes as she walked farther and farther away, not looking over her shoulder. Not even once. He stood frozen for a minute, entranced by the beauty who had just rejected him, but soon he started to chuckle.

"challenge accepted." He whispered in her direction before heading in his own.

This wasn't the end. No not at all, just the beginning.

Err.. I'm running outta idea's here..but tell me if I should continue :P ok? I'm thinking of throwing in some GaLe and NaLu too :P maybe other couples, but gimme some suggestions, and feedback is always good.

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