Meet the Characters

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   Asher and Ansley Reynolds were twins. 15 years old, tall tan, slender. Ansley had always been beautiful to those around her. Her long brown hair fell down her back and ice blue eyes sparkled. She had been asked many a time if she flattened her hair, which she didn't it was hust naturally that straight and curling under ever so slightly at the end. Ansley's beauty gave her older brother, by four minutes, a reason to be over protective. Asher had the same straight hair as Ansley and baby fine. It was also thinner and lighter than hers and his blue eyes bluer. Ansley had always been jealous of Asher's eyes and hair. She wanted his soft hair and sparkling eyes. Asher on the other hand found both his hair and eyes "unmanly" and wanted Ansley's thicker, darker locks, and dull eyes. Of course neither of them knew of the other's jealousy. Their parents did. Pam and Frank Reynolds knew exactly what their childern thought of one another by the looks they threw at the other one when they thought no one was watching. The looks of endless longing but not the lovey dovey longing but selfishness. Annabelle Reynolds, eight years of age, didn't believe what she heard her parents talking about every night. She heard them whisper in concern of how the twins wern't happy with their looks. How they really just needed some time apart to realize they were beautiful just the way they are. Of course Annabelle wouldn't understand. She was again only eight with the dark, soft hair and sparkling ice blue eyes. Annabelle looked exactly like what the twins would look like they had a child. Ansley's hair and eye color. Asher's soft thin hair and twinkle in his eye. Annabelle would probably never need to experience jealousy with her looks and personality. She was beautiful inside and out and probably just what the twins need. But Pam and Frank had other ideas.

Hello my lovely readers. This is my new book The Beautiful Problem. I got the idea to do this in English class yesterday. We were watching the Dead Poets Society and I began to wonder and the idea of this book popped into my mind. I do believe that my teacher and classmates now think I'm a lunatic because I fell out of my chair, jumped over a couple people (thank you ballet) and ran right in front of my friend to get to my chair to right down the idea. Yes, the lights were out and yes, I stepped on someone but I do believe it was worth it. Anyway, lets see where this might lead. Ansley and Asher are freshmen in highschool, getting ready to go into their Sophmore year.

Read and enjoy my loves.


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