Actual part

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This is the unrevised version, I'm bored in lunch so I'll be posting it.

"Look I don't have much time, I'm Jack the son of a great hero, destined for greatne-"

"Shut it Jack!, no one cares about your life story!"

"That's my best friend Lyssa, she isn't as great as me but is anyone?"

"That's it, give me the mic!"

*fight for mic*

"That's better I'm Lyssa, daughter of a great hero"

Looks at jack

"who worked with your dad!and tired of her best friends arrogance. He's like that a lot."

*in the distance*

At least I don't break the 4th wall!

I don't try!

And i don't leave the microphone on!

"Checks microphone*

I don't do it a lot!

You just did didn't you?

Oh be quiet!

I know it sucks the revised version is wayy better.
Peace ~ Meg

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