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As Jeanne bursted through the front doors of the manor, Luca and Dominique looked at her in bewilderment.

"Jeanne, when did you leave?!" Luca shouted as he got up and ran towards Jeanne. "You were making us worried!"

"I'm sorry, master Luca. I just went out for a walk and ended up spending my day talking to Noé." Jeanne said giving the other two relief.

"What did Noé have to say?" Dominique asked joining in to the conversation.

"N-nothing much." Jeanne tried to lie, "I'm going to head to bed now, master Luca. Good night to you both." She said as she escaped to her room.

Now that she got them out of the way, it was time to start planning on how to confront the stupid human.

Vanitas walked into the room he and Noé shared with a loud sigh as he threw his jacket on a nearby chair.

"Something happen?" Noé asked knowing full well about everything.

"Nothing." Vanitas lied. He walked over to the window and opened it.

"So, something did happen." Noé said.

Vanitas just grunted in response before taking a step up on the window sill, and making his way to the roof. Noé was right behind him.

"You should talk to her, Vanitas." Noé started making Vanitas turn around in annoyance.

"What do you know about all of this? This isn't your problem, and not that there was any in the first place." Answered Vanitas.

The wind began to blow cool early winter air that made both Vanitas and Noé shiver a bit. He knew that no matter how cold it would get, there was no way of making Vanitas go back to their room. Noé would now have to sit out here with the stubborn human and force him to talk.

"You can say all you want, Vanitas, but this has to deal with me too." He said striking Vanitas's attention.

"Yeah, and how does this matter involve you?"

"Jeanne is my friend, as well as Dominique who is Also Jeanne's friend, and I'm stuck with you. Dominique and I are in the middle of this, including Luca as well." Noé started, "I'm just saying you need to talk to Jeanne, everyone has a reason for loving another."

Vanitas sighed yet again and laid back on the roof to stare up at the beautiful night sky. The stars shine just as bright as the full moon.

"I love her, Noé. I really do. Like I said before, 'you won't understand any of this until you fall in love.'" Was the last thing either of them said that night as the just admired the night sky.

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