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A few days had went by before Vanitas and Jeanne had seen each other again. Jeanne was alright with that though, who would ever wish to see Vanitas, besides she had more important matters to tend to, Luca.

"Jeanne!" Luca called racing into the library where Jeanne sat in thought.

"Oh, um, yes Master Luca!" Jeanne said suddenly snapping out of her thoughts trying to make herself look formal.

"Don't worry Jeanne just be yourself," Luca said with a smile, "I just wanted to show you that you received a letter!" He handed the letter over to Jeanne who took it by surprise.

"A letter..for me...from who?" She asked trying to check the name on the envelope.

"I don't know who it's from, I just saw it laying on Uncle's desk." Luca admitted as he stood on his tiptoes to look over Jeanne's shoulder.

Opening the letter Jeanne started skimming over it.

"It doesn't really look like anything that important, I can barely make out what it even says." Jeanne knelt down for Luca so he could look it over easier.

"It seems whoever wrote this must have rushed to write. It's hard to tell what it says, but look more closer. Who even wrote it?"

Jeanne skimmed the note once more before looking at the bottom of the letter to see spider writing making out the one name Jeanne dreaded to see, Vanitas.

Luca huffed, "what does he want now? Does he not realize that you don't love him back?!" Luca exclaimed furiously.

"It's okay Master Luca, maybe he's just writing because of Noe or something?" She said trying to look closer before making out what exactly Vanitas had wrote.

Crumpling up the letter she threw it in the trash and started to storm out of the room.

"Jeanne! Jeanne!! What did it say?!" He asked running to keep up with her.

"Nothing of importance Master Luca, nothing of importance." She repeated to herself.

That night Jeanne sat in her room lost in thought once again.

"Why does he keep going out of his way just for someone like me? I'm not all that special, I'm not even special at all." She mumbled to herself thinking back to the letter:

My Dearest Jeanne,

Noe just told me about some masquerade Dominique's sister is throwing tomorrow night, and I thought of how Noe would be with Dominique for the night, so who would I go with?  You of course silly! Wouldn't that be lovely Jeanne! I even have a dress all prepared for you, so all you have to do is show up my lovely~


A blush formed across her cheeks making them burn. "How can that idiot of a man make my heart stir this much, it's not possible, I do not love this man!" She shouted to herself as she buried her face into her pillow.

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