"Hey,Mita...don't you think Drew doesn't want Mia to leave.",said Akira.

"Akira...*sigh*...you're so late.Talk to Erebus with that and maybe you'll catch up with us.",said Mita.

"Eh?! I thought you didn't know...but I am far behind.I'll work hard!",said Akira.

Mita smiled and patted Akira's head.Mia saw the two across the hallway and went towards them.

"What happened?",asked Mia.

"Oh...um...",said Akira.

"Akira was just sad because you got hurt and I just comforted him.",said Mita.

"Oh...don't worry,if anything I will have my familiars to help me if I am in danger.",said Mia.

They all smiled and Mia went to back to her dressing room.She noticed a crack in the door and she peaked in then she saw a string attached to the door knob.She summoned her familiar that controls time.

"Jikan-hime(Princess of Time)...",said Mia.

A small child with long gray hair wearing a pink dress appeared behind Mia and she had a smile on her face.

"Chiyoko,I need you to freeze time and don't freeze me.",said Mia.

"What do you I get in return?",said Chiyoko.

"You can eat the sweets in the party,but save some for others.",said

"Sweets...if it's sweets then...here we go!",sadi Chiyoko.

Mia opened the door and Chiyoko stopped time.Mia looked up and saw knifes falling.She looked around the room for more traps and Chiyoko was holding her hand.She found more strings attached to knifes and she cut it.Mia saw the closet and she found a assassin peaking out.

"Chiyoko...I want you to unfreeze time and get behind the mirror in the corner.",said Mia.

"Ok!",said Chiyoko.

"3,2,...1!Go hide!",shouted Mia.

Chiyoko unfreeze time and ran to the mirror.The assassin opened the door of the closet and Mia kicked his chin.She took the handkerchief off the table and wrapped it around his mouth.Mia took the dagger from him,stabbed him in the stomach,thighs,and arms.She summoned her familiar that can take care of the mess and she put a note on the assassin's forehead.

"What do you need,Mia?",said the familiar.

"I need you to take care of this mess and I want you to bring this assassin to his boss,but don't say any names...please wear gloves,Takeshi.",said Mia.

"What do I get in return,miss Mia?",said Takeshi.

"There's meat in the party and please clean your hands.Also don't forget to wear a tuxedo.",said Mia.

"...Got it and I will hurry!",said Takeshi.

Takeshi cleaned up the blood and jumped through the window.Chiyoko came out and went towards Mia.

"Mia,why are you doing this?",said Chiyoko.

Drew opened the door and saw the two together.They looked at Drew and he made a puzzled face.

"Mia...who is this child with you?",said Drew.

"....*sigh*Chiyoko,this is Drew and I am his guard which makes him a prince.Sorry Chiyoko...but this guy is getting married.Drew,this is my familiar,Chiyoko.She is the Princess of Time and don't ask her for age.",said Mia.

"Mean!",said Chiyoko.

"Well,the party will start in 15 minutes and I will have to get dressed now.Bye Chiyoko and Mia...",said Drew with a faint smile on his face.

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