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"Once Upon A Time," Was how it began.
"Ugh!" A little girl whined; she had straight blonde hair and crisp green eyes. "That's how all my stories start! Read something different! Something that doesn't have 'Once Upon A Time'!"
A chuckle came from a mother's lips. It was the little girl's mother.
"But you don't even know what's going to happen."
"So? It's gonna be about princesses and princes and castles and talking pets!" The little girl cried. Her mother smiled soothingly.
"You don't know that." She said cleverly. Her daughter squinted at her then the book.
"Okay fine! Read it."
"No magic word?"
"PLEASE." The little girl snapped. Giggling, the mother retreated her blue eyes to the hard covered book.

"Once Upon A Time, somewhere in the woods, there lived a boy. He had no family, no shelter, no food."

"How's he alive then??" The little girl asked curiously.
"Want me to continue so you can find out?" The mother smirked. The girl nodded, hands over her mouth.

"The boy was smart and clever though. He used the trees as a roof, and their leaves as walls or maybe blankets. He searched and found berries and plants that were edible.
But the boy still had no family. He became sad that he had no one to hug, love, or talk to. The boy was upset and he wanted a family, he wanted someone to love him.
So he did what he could. He left the calming woods and searched for someone."

"Did he...?" The girl questioned quietly, cupping her small hands.
The mother did not answer.

"Instead, he found a place. It was cold, freezing maybe. But it was beautiful. And so he stayed there. The boy got used to the cold and rarity of food and there being no shelter. He stayed there for the rest of his life. Until one special day."

The mother looked at her daughter. She had sparkling eyes and her mouth was wide open.
"What happens next mama!??" The little girl asked excitedly.
"I don't know. That's the end, sweetie." The mother replied sweetly.
"What!? That can't be the end!"
"I'm afraid so."
"Awwww poop..." The girl stuck out her bottom lip.
"Don't worry, Noelle. You'll find out what happens one day.." She smiled sweetly. Her tired but bright eyes, looked at the glistening window. "I love you so much Noelle!" The mother quickly closed the book and wrapped her arms around the small child. She giggled and hugged her mother back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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